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Y&R: Malcolm Winters Recast


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Given the general lack of chemistry most of the recasts have had with nearly everyone in their stories, I'm not sure how seriously they take these chem tests. Billy Miller had little romantic chemistry that I could see with CK or Liz Hendrickson. Clementine had none with Billy Miller. There's little between Liz and John Driscoll, even though he read with her.

I will believe it when I see it about a recast Dru. I don't think they care about beefing up their black cast. They had plenty of chances to do that already.

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Oh lord - please, I beg of you, try giving REG the Dru part! Just try it! Never mind that she's noticeably too young, and IMO quite bland! Goldsberry is a singer first actress second, and it was extremely evident during her run on OLTL; who can forget the whole "I'm Blind" story where she went around like she was blind months after she was cured? Darius McCrary and REG as Malcolm and Dru - yes, Y&R make it happen! I need the coronary caused by endless hysterical laughter!

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Your description sounds like a fit for their idea of Lily, and the Winters family, but I can't really see them recasting Dru. They don't care about Neil, and since they don't even have a maternal figure in Lily's life now, it's not like they are acknowledging anything is missing.

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WHAT?! You're kidding!

This was not a "chem-test" hiring. This was another one of Maria's "Let me see who I can hire to get tons of buzz and attention" stunts and it worked. For all the wrong reasons. She and Camille are no better than Lethal and Karen Rea.

And saying that they chem-tested him with Phyllis and Mac?! Darius McCrary does not pass the paper bag test. He's not even close. So why would they pair him with Phyllis or Mac?

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I need a drink!!! :huh::blink:

self: but you don't drink, you have never even so much has had wine.

self: well, that's true

self: but there's always a first time

self: think of it this way, if you have your first drink then you most likely will not remember that you read this!!

self: ok, then... (***goes online to find what's the most potent drink one can have that will give someone amnesia)

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Shemar Moore was highly overrated. The best thing about him was his body. Yeah he could act but I always felt that was overshadowed by his looks and the main reason why he became so popular was bc there were no other black hunks around at the time. He was looked at and treated like some type of god when he was far from the best in the business. Im glad the show finally decided to recast the role but really they should have done so years ago. I wish Darius luck, but the writing is going to be the biggest obstacle against him bc lets face, it, they could bring Shemar back and it would still suck.

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I thought Shemar's Malcolm worked as a somewhat unpredictable, sexy, fun guy. There are few black men like that on soaps. That's one of the reasons he was well received. He was such a contrast to Neil. I never bought him as much when they made him more serious, but Shemar's sense of fun, even if it was a bit OTT at times, helped leaven some of the staleness of the stories (like the Olivia/Malcolm marriage, and the subsequent hack job on Olivia's character).

Darius may be able to do the same, but that edge and sexiness I can't see him having. And I think that is probably what Y&R prefers. Nothing about the people at this show now suggests we will see a black man who has a strong sexual drive, unless you count awkwardly sexing up Tyra.

The closest any of this group got to that was Marshall Travers at ATWT, and you saw what happened to him.

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