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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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To me, Bev always looked best with straight, shoulder length hair. Her hair and clothes just before her final departure from the series was my idea of perfection. When she had shorter hair, such as that horrible mid 70s cut on Another World, she looked positively ancient. I also grimace at a hairstyle she wore on GL during the Sheri Anderson regime: permed and dyed dark red. Ugh.

To me, Bev always looked best with straight, shoulder length hair. Her hair and clothes just before her final departure from the series was my idea of perfection. When she had shorter hair, such as that horrible mid 70s cut on Another World, she looked positively ancient. I also grimace at a hairstyle she wore on GL during the Sheri Anderson regime: permed and dyed dark red. Ugh.

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Now that is a good question. I wonder how "young" Stewart was aiming for. Mike certainly had chemistry with Renee DuBois, but Marland killed her off towards the end of Roger's storyline (perhaps prematurely). Then Mike was paired with Jennifer, then I believe Trish. Certainly Trish would have been a good match? I wonder why that never panned out? Deborah May came back to GL in 1982 as Ivy Pierce/Brenda Lowry, but the chemistry didn't seem to be there between the Stewart and May as it had been in 1980. I can't remember who else they paired Mike with before the Alexandra/Lillian triangle started to develop in 1984.

After watching the 1981 episodes, I agree with you, Carl - a Mike and Vanessa pairing might have been very fun. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the interaction between Anna Stuart's Vanessa and Mike. I never saw why they paired Vanessa with Ed.

Mike and Katie...I wonder how that would have played out. I think Mike needed someone fun in order to keep his character interesting. I saw moments like that in his interactions with Jackie (Cindy Pickett's version only) and Alexandra. Would Katie have been considered too young?

Edited by zanereed
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Katie seemed older than her age, and I think she would have gotten along very well with Hope and Bert. I wish they'd tried it.

Or Vanessa for that matter.

I think they had Ed and Vanessa together in order for Ed to be burned out on a certain "type" of woman, one he'd repeatedly been drawn to, so that viewers would understand more when he got together with Maureen (who was totally different than any woman he'd ever been with...and of course that's ultimately why he wasn't happy with Maureen, but that's a story for another day).

When I watch this material I really wish they'd had a strong co-writer or producer to help with flow and energy and so on. It's not hard to see why the show fell apart when Marland left, because it's somewhat rickety in the 1982 material I've seen even when he's there. I guess because that was still a long transition period for GL that the Dobsons had begun, a transition not finished...well, maybe it never finished, actually.

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Carl, you're right. As much as I loved what Marland did with a lot of his writing, there still seems to be something missing during this era. "Rickety" is probably as good of a word as any to describe it.

I don't know if it was rickety because Marland and Potter didn't get along, or if there was something else missing. Someone mentioned further back that Marland needed someone like Pam Long during his tenure at GL. They are probably right.

I wish P&G hadn't switched Marland and the Dobsons when they did in 1979. I really think the Dobsons had really hit their stride in their 5th year at GL, and I don't think Marland was allowed enough time to really get going on ATWT when he was moved to GL.

As far as Katie and Mike...I think it could have worked if they addressed the age difference head on. Certainly Mike had issues with Hope and Alan, with one of those issues being their difference in age. Add to that Katie being Hillary's best friend, and Hillary feeling uncomfortable with her best friend dating her half brother. Subtle issues, but they could have driven story. But, GL already had a similar couple dealing with age differences in Kelly and Morgan, so who knows?

I would have also been up for a Mike and Holly pairing, had Maureen Garrett stayed on. Yes, it could have been brother versus brother conflict all over again just like with Leslie, but I think Holly would have given this a fresh spin. Either that, or perhaps a Mike and Rita pairing. I always thought Stewart and Kasdorf had some chemistry between the two of them.

Edited by zanereed
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Watched the 7/21 through 7/28 episodes on youtube. It seemed like the storylines were all pretty separate with very little interaction between the stories. Perhaps it was an odd week and Marland was still trying to tie up the Dobson stories. I can see why Maureen Garett opted to leave since Holly really wasn't doing anything and was islanded off on her own.

I did like Morgan.. she was quite fiesty! I think I like how Pam Long wrote Nola better then Marland did.

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Lillian also commmented during that scene that Reva walked out of a dress shop with toliet paper on her show...which actually sounds like Reva! This was also the time that Michelle must have forgot Nola was her aunt and called her "Mrs. Chamberlin," and then got gooey eyes for her cousin. One word for all of that, "McTavish!"

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It was probably me. I always thought they would have been a dream team...Marland would have kept Long on plot, and organized and he would have preserved the core and used history. Long would have brought strong men, (the only strong men in Marland's world were villains, if they turned good they were wusses) realistic male friendships, sex (Marland acted like it was icky most times) humor and heart....(my main complaint with his ATWT that is was so damn cold.) I would love to have seen what Long would have done with Lisa and Lucinda!

They would also most likely have fought like cats and dogs.

Edited by Mitch
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I do wonder what Long would have written for Hope if they hadn't fired Elvera.

Long's writing, especially her first year or so at GL, seemed to have heart. I think that's the main thing missing with Marland's writing. Not entirely (the Morgan/Kelly wedding is very beautiful and touching), but it just...I don't know, it feels like pieces being moved around.

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