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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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FWIW what I know about Joe Willmore, RIP, is that both at ATWT & at GL he was a good solid utility type EP. I'm unaware of any particular blunders or errors. There are 2 anecdotes.

GL, at a meal at a restaurant with Pam Long & Kim Zimmer, their argument about what Reva would or would not do reached such a point that Joe excused himself, went outside & vomited into the curb. Presumably he went back inside & they were still arguing. 

ATWT, The show had just gotten back its #1 rating & he'd just gotten that news. He stopped production, called everyone together & gleefully announced the Nielsen numbers. A great cheer arose. 


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I always try to stick to published sources or interviews when I discuss JFP because it can get heated referencing a lot of what she did or said.  She tends to tell different versions of the same story depending on her audience. Even those on the show during that time will be contradictory because they don't want the heat from the fans so their recollections are often "clouded."  I know that there are many people in the industry who adore her. Erika Slezak adored her while a significant number of her castmates on OLTL did not according to ES. Robin Strasser famously loathed her and we know what happened with Laura Bonarrigo (and then would be repeated with Kari Wuhrer on GH. I couldn't find what happened with KW's lawsuit.

I have been trying to find the Michael Logan article where a GL actress talks about how they felt bad for Marcy Walker because they couldn't understand why she was being so misused on the show. Still looking. Was it Liz Keifer??? Not sure. I wish TVGUIDE or Logan had archived his columns.




Edited by chrisml
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In the interview she did with Alan she came off as much more charming and warm and clever then I thought she would (with her long list of misdeeds.) I can see people liking her but just shaking their heads at her decisions, and I can see her barreling into disaster even when people tell them she is wrong, and her ego just saying "They don't have my VISION!"


When my source is Datalounge I try to put that in the post, cause you know those bitoches just come up with some sh*t!!!

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This has turned into some kind of trial with a jury if a quote was real or not. Glad to see people fact-checking and keeping it as real as possible. And I'm glad to see that the truth-keepers haven't changed. They are always the same people. It would be so great if they could apply this to everyone, including themselves! I mean... maybe I would want to see proof after some anonymous person on an internet forum claims that X-producer and X-writer are good friends... Is this person their therapist, their secretary, is this some public knowledge that is easily found or just... fiction? Questions, questions, questions.   

It would be great if this high-standard of fact-checking would be applied to everyone and not just nit-pick who to fact-check and let other people say whatever they want. I've seen people spill crazy "tea" that has no real source, some thing they heard and this and that... or something they saw before it got deleted somewhere and this and that... and then everyone goes and says "Thanks for the tea girl!"... just because they have a certain status in SON and are just... popular. That pretty word. And I've also seen people who dare to utter 1 word and have to be maniacally checked. 

In the end... don't forget this is a forum board and not a court of law. Nobody, except the admins or... legal authorities can ask of people to prove anything. And quite frankly, anything you read on forums, social media and etc... you should do your own re-search if you want to be sure - take it with a grain of salt. 

Nobody is obliged to go and prove with perfect sources every statement they make here. It would be practically impossible. There are people on this forum still quoting long lost interviews that they saw and articles they read 40 years ago. Make them check that. 

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Ironically, I'd come closer to trusting something that came from Datalounge than I would gossip that came from other places, lol.

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like I'm supposed to believe Matt could even spell poetry...RME  I believed that as much as Vanessa hanging out in jeans and playing badminton or whatever it was on her funeral reel (which they practically stole from Mo's funeral, but I digress... double RME)

Vanessa would've curled up with the London Times to do the crossword in ink. 

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Matt and Vanessa reading poetry to each other every night before bedtime sounds like something from a Henry James novel, lol.

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