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Guiding Light discussion thread

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I agree that in theory, the idea sounds wonderfully appealing.

Perhaps I am just jaded, however, but I'd be terrified that TPTB would royally screw it up.

Someone who truly understood soaps, and TGL's special qualities in particular, would need to oversee the production.

I'd lean towards Nancy Curlee.

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I never understood why TPTB didn't do more with the 7th and 5th Street neighborhoods.   Obviously 7th street was an inner ring area with the hospital across the street, and 5th street along with it. The most we saw was a bunch of cliched white characters in the diner and when Alan wanted to knock down 5th stteet....all proclaiming Buzz the King of 5th steet in really bad Greek accents. The first Hispanic family should not have been a mob family but a new family moving into the area with the Reardon's and Coopers reflecting on the changing neighborhood. Or instead of Mel...pairing Rick with a Latina who is fighting the Santos family for all the bad that they had done the community...(i.e. brining in drugs, prostitutes, strong arming biz owners...if your going to do a mob do it right.) and waking Chele up and putting Danny on the offense. 

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Am I the only one who never really cared for "Hold on to Love"?  I mean, the accompanying visuals were nice, but that song was just a little too John Williams for me.

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