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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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I like Paul Avila Mayer and Stephanie Braxton's work. 


The circus story is too much, but, if you look past the circus trappings, the story is solid. The scene where Stu gives Danny some tough love and calls him on his antics would never happen today. In a genre that has become obsessed with love triangles, it has really ignored this version (two friends who love the same person with no true villain). The Ryder / T.R. scene where Ryder admits he's jealous that T.R. has feelings for Ryder was very honest. Adam Storke, Jane Krakowski, and John Loprieno are all very strong. It's a shame that the main story isn't that good. 


I know I'm alone, but I do like the Hogan / Liza story. Liza clearly doesn't care for Hogan as much as he cares for her. I've been watching episodes from December, 1983, and Hogan has just arrived. He and Sunny are doing their flirty banter thing. It is work. I can see why Sunny / Hogan were well liked in their time, however, I still think this is a good story. Hogan isn't acting out of character and acknowledging his dual nature, he can be both arrogant and passionate, is such a powerful moment. I wonder how this would have progressed had Mathis and Braxton/Avila Mayer stayed. 


I think it was a mistake to get rid of Caldwell House so quickly. I love that set. I love Stu and Sarah out in the garden just talking. This version of Sarah is interesting to me. She is one of the innocent ingenues that soaps have foregone, mostly because they were treated as paragons of virtue. The Sarah / Quinn dynamic is my favorite. I only got halfway through the three episodes so I'm hoping there is some interaction there with them. 


The television station stuff isn't that bad. Having seen more of Maree Cheatham's Stephanie, I get why people don't like Louise Shaffer's version. She is clearly a workhorse, while Cheatham's Stephanie was shady as anything. In the December 1983 episode, Liza Sentell has decided to work at the station (Travis inherited his father's share of the station) and Stephanie is doing everything she can to ignore Liza. It's a fun little rivalry that I don't think really goes anywhere. I thought Stephanie promoting Wendy and not Quinn was very Stephanie and I like that Stephanie seems to allude to Quinn being like Warren. Peluso does really well with Meek and Shaffer. It's a shame she didn't make it to the end, but I don't completely blame her for bailing on a sinking ship. 


Hope more episodes appear from this period. 

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A summary of a Sept 79 episode from The Paley center

One in this long-running daytime serial about the residents of the town of Henderson. This episode begins with a soothsayer telling Dr. Carolyn Hanley that she needs some rest in her life before stealing a tress of her hair. Martin Tourneur hosts a dinner party at his New Orleans mansion for some friends as well as his new ladyfriend, Joanne Vincente. When the party breaks up, leaving Martin alone with Joanne, he intimately talks to her about the excitement his lifestyle can offer her. Martin further wonders why she won't fully submit to his affection, and she admits that she feels a bit out of place in his glitzy world. Meanwhile, Eric talks with his mother about how much he misses the people of Henderson, especially Wendy, who -- to his dismay -- he feels has changed quite a bit. The episode ends with the soothsayer delivering a message to Marco from Dr. Hanley, during which she likewise steals a lock of his hair, which she uses to perform a voodoo ritual. Includes commercials. 


What is interesting here is the mention of Eric talking to his mother and that Kelly Wood (Lauri Leshinsky Phillips) is listed in the credits.The mystery is that I thought Lauri had been killed off years before and Kelly Wood was now playing Mary on ATWT.

Maybe it was Kathy that Eric was talking to and Courtney Simon made an appearance?

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Forsyth is sex on a stick...my first TV crush in high school where I would watch Texas just to see him...(and all my fellow jocks wondering why I watch a soap...) and still have a thing for tall dark haired guys in suits..(which he wore on Texas.)


Mathis...is...an acquired taste I think..she is a bit too precious for me..(but of course if I was her the storyline would end as I would have pounced on him under that tree!_

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Here's a link to a summary of the Xmas Eve 1982 SFT episode archived at Paley. Interesting list of cast and crew.  



And Ralph Ellis left a bunch of scripts from his HW tenure in 1970s; here's the link. He and wife, Eugenie Hunt wrote for the show for at least three years up through 1974 and return for time in early 80s.




And here's a link to WGA list of writers by season:



Edited by RavenWhitney
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This is heresy, but I never cared much for Sherry’s Liza. She always seemed on the verge of hysteria. I really loved Meg Bennett, who was so beautiful, in the role, and I guess anyone who replaced her was going to be disappointing.


But clearly I’m in the minority, because Sherry is viewed as the definitive Liza.

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