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Scott Hamner Says Y&R Is NOT Doing A Gay Story

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Well, I went to the after elton blog, and I saw a piece that is saying basically what I've been saying here.... that wer'e not sure, there seems to be conflicting statments from Hamner and Bell... things are kind of up in the air, and have yet to be clarified. Seeing as how it's now being revealed the show is showing "flexibility" in scheduling Thom's SL around his art exhibitions, this tells me alot about his sporadic appearances. So because of Thom's schedule we may have to be more patient with something happening. If it's Thom's art stuff that's putting a gay SL off for a while, them I'm totally fine with that. It just doens't make sense for Maria to bring him back for nothing. But this blog entry is certainly not the doom and gloom "The gays are done" attitude that Alvin paints it to be.


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That was a very...interesting article, saying that Adam raped Rafe, and saying hey, Y&R has a big cast, they can't show everyone. If the big cast was the problem then they never should have brought Phillip back in the first place. Phillip's story SHOULD have provided months if not YEARS of story for a slew of characters. Instead, the beats were rushed through within a few weeks and now it's all a complete anticlimax, and Chance only exists as a prop for Billy/Chloe.

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As a straight white woman, I find the "big cast" argument to be total bullshit. My "peoples" (heterosexuals and whites) have countless stories on Y&R and other soaps. Gays and Minorities should NOT be sidelined with the excuse that the cast is too large so we can't show them. That is [!@#$%^&*] bullshit. Bill Bell conscientiously wove in Black characters and gave them real stories with real romances. There is no excuse for MAB's idiotic and insulting "gay" stories. If she had one artistic bone in her body, she would have realized that in order to do a gay story (or minority story) right, you have to take special care and attention. Because the white straight characters have so many stories, it's not a big deal if you screw up Billy & Mac. You can just put Billy with Chloe and still get a straight romance. When you have only 2 gay characters (plus one psycho) then you need to be very thoughtful and setting up your story. AMC, OLTL and ATWT aren't perfect (far from it) but they all showed that if you take proper care, you can create a decent gay story.

(And I will always think that the failure to make P4/Chance a conflicted gay soldier was one of the great failures of Y&R.)

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That would make 3 gay characters that Y&R has no intention of writing for. Rafe is a peripheral character who gets about no airtime so it was easy to make him gay. I no clue what the point of making Phillip gay was, but he is another character that gets little airtime. Chance could eventually out of the closet, I suppose. He and Rafe could have a minimum airtime fade from any kissing romance.

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I never thought he was all that terrible. Considering the heavy material thrown at him early on. He also worked well with Tricia Cast. I wish he'd been given more time. Josh Morrow and Eileen Davidson and a number of others have been off for ages and they are still in major stories. Not even getting into the bad Adam recast.

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I think Bierdz is gone soon when his 6 month contract is up. The fact that they even offered him such a limited contract was telling. I think he'll occasionally be brought back for visits, but nothing long-term. That's only if the show doesn't piss him off too much so he swears never to return again or something.

It's probably for the better, he's been completely backburned since his return, and his speech is a very jarring to most people it seems.

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I just wanted to pop in and say I'm sorry for those of you who were looking forward to a gay storyline.

I'm not gay but I am a very accepting person and I don't have any problems with anybody's life style.

I'm sorry that your storyline didn't come through.

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I doubt they ever had a major story in mind for Phillip. They may have even known people would excuse their poor writing because Thom clearly isn't a good actor. This is an easy way out for them, and this team loves nothing more than an easy way out. They could have written his return around the women in his life, material that could have played out for many months, but instead they just rushed through in a few weeks. I think he returned only to prop Cane and to introduce his son.

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They bring him back for a stupid story that has no long-term merit or fallout.

Honestly, if people wanted to see Bierdz again, why couldn't he have just come back in a dream sequence instead of being all f'ed to hell?

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