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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of July 6

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With all the epi talk in this thread (of course it's an episode discussion thread I know lol) I gave in and decided to take it in as I can bare each epi this week thus far. Umm lol @ TPTB patting themselves on the back by foolishly having the characters refer to this Phillip/Cane plot point as "ingenius" and "brilliant"continuously on Monday's episode. Are they kidding me? Seriously? TC continues to sell me this story still and it is not even that the others are doing that bad. DG is impressive and JW's character looks lost but I buy that that's a choice by the actress. JC is also doing fine and on 07/06/09 epi I am not impressed by CK thus far but am definitly watching out for that moment as stated in this thread.

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P.S. I like looking at CK's eyes because they are pretty. It has never told me much about the character's emotions outside of giddiness, sillines and naivety. Even in this story I can see she's trying or this is perhaps her idea of the pain of deception LILY goes through AGAIN, given all Lily has supposed to have already gone through but I am not sold on this character via the potrayal; still I hope I'm impressed in Tuesday's epi.

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You know what the bad part about this going to be after this all over. CKLily is going to go back to the giddiness, silliness, & naivety. Like nothing ever happen to her. & when her new love comes she going to have her head farther in the clouds then ever.

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Whether CKLily's giddy or depressed, she's always annoying. CKLily, or Lily for that matter should leave the show.

She's been the victim in so many situations and came out of each one even less human, real, sympathetic, and more self-righteous than she was before all the torment began. She serves no purpose other than to be trounced upon, which isn't effective on a soap if we cease to care about this person's plight, when they're written as trauma-proof robots who easily deflect all the trauma that comes their way. And we have Sharon who's more than capable of playing the poor defenseless heroine, dammit.

She was good on tuesday, yeah. But I don't want to have to sit through another year-long s/l featuring giddy Lily to see one ok performance.

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There were some great scenes to watch in this episode. It was nice to see Noah/Daniel both there for Summer and also later on when Daniel gave Noah some brotherly advice. Amber looked gross in this episode though. But still I hope the whole emancipation crap is over and done with. What a useless plot point that was.

Back to gross Amber, it reminded me that there are way too many blondes on this show or maybe it’s because they put them all in one episode? It bothered me a lot. Michelle Stafford’s hair needs to go back to red, NOW!

The Sharon/Phyllis scenes were so awkward to watch unfold, but in a good way, though Sharon Case is pissing me off with her weird ass facial expressions. She constantly is ruining scenes when she does so, which happens to be 90% of the time. And her scene with Summer, I wasn’t feeling at all. Sharon Case was weak in this episode.

Lastly, this Adam/Rafe manipulation is incredibly stupid and I just can’t buy it. But getting past that, when Nikki caught them kissing, we should have SEEN the kiss as Nikki’s face turned to complete shock. Take away the “hot” aspect of watching it, the dramatic impact would have been increased by leaps and bounds.

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There is no way to know. But CK has been doing fine in these episodes, and what happens next is up to the writing, not the actress. What I liked about CK and DG was that -- for both of them -- the love is still there. That showed. It's just that the anger got in the way. For Lily, ANOTHER betrayal is just about the worst thing you could do to her. But the story is now clearly about the long-slow road of Cane and Lily back to one another. I actually look forward to seeing that, because this obstacle (unlike Chloe's baby) seems more relatable and natural to me. Coping with a betrayal of trust is always the hardest thing in relationships. I hope CK can continue to play the sadder, darker side of Lily.

I really hope -- as someone who decried the Nuke kissing ban as stupid and a cave-in to the Reverends -- that this story doesn't get ground down in b!tching about the kissing.

Adam is not gay. He and Rafe do not love each other. So, we don't need the kissing to underscore the romantic notes. Indeed, kissing here would be AS gross as David Kimble kissing Nina. I don't need to see that. Implied kissing is fine. ESPECIALLY if it gives me a Nikki reaction shot!!

Nuke-kissing and the mistletoe pan would have been much more palatable if we'd seen someone else reacting, for example.

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Wednesday's ramblings...

Nice to see Daniel/Noah visiting Summer. I'm glad they didn't forget about Daniel.

Alvin was right - Sharon Case's hair looks much better in this episode. :D

Okay, really liking seeing Daniel and Noah together with Summer. Great choice.

Like seeing Nick/Nikki scenes. There's a lot of Newman interplay here, and it's great. But seriously - Victoria's absence is getting ridiculous.

Do we really need TWO scenes of Adam talking to himself, preparing what he's going to say to Rafe?

TOTALLY intrigued by these Sharon/Phyllis scenes. First time in a while I've been able to say that.

Nice seeing Amber with Noah/Daniel too. I'm glad they're playing her in a story besides the art stuff. Daniel/Amber desperately needed to be a part of this, and I'm glad they decided to stop isolating them. Yesterday we saw Nick/Phyllis/Michael without Jack/Sharon, and today we saw Daniel/Amber without Kevin/Jana. I think mixing it up like this is a really smart move, especially after the last few weeks. Now WHERE ARE JT AND VICTORIA?!

Nick and Victor were nice, but a little odd. Talking about Sabrina/Sharon with Summer lying comatose inside? But on the flip side, these Sharon/Phyllis scenes are really well-done. Great acting, good dialogue, interesting dynamic.

These Rafe/Adam scenes are better than the ones last week, but I still wish I knew more/cared more for Rafe at this point. I'd be much more interested in him if I knew who he was besides "the gay lawyer".

Love seeing these Victor/Nikki scenes, but I'm starting to wish we saw a really good Nikki/Sharon scene. That's the only component missing from this right now.

Have I mentioned how much I like these Daniel/Amber/Noah scenes? They're small and simple, but I like "small and simple".

Okay, Adam and Rafe is starting to feel a little "fun". The way Adam's toying with Rafe is cruel, but it's starting to feel soap opera-y again (in a good way). Adam's playing him like a fiddle, and I really hope this is eventually building to Rafe being the one who brings Adam down. Even better - Rafe and Heather TEAMING UP to bring Adam down!

So Mary Jane's making Phyllis look like a childkiller and Sharon look like she's back to being a klepto. "I've lost Jack to sluts like you before" LMAO!!!!!!!

LOVED LOVED LOVED Sharon and Summer at the end. Sharon Case is no singer, but the heart and emotion behind it is beautiful. And Phyllis mouthing the words along with Sharon singing? Just breath-taking.

And that's a GREAT cliff-hanger with Nikki/Rafe/Adam. LOL!!!!!!

This is the second day in a row we've had a "smaller" show with two-person scenes. I've really missed shows like this, and I'm glad Y&R is getting back to them. Nice show.

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Yes, but I am not talking about any romantic notes at all. I know full well this isn't some love story nor would I want it to be. But for me, if I got to see with my own eyes what Nikki saw with hers the DRAMA/SHOCK/SURPRISE of the moment would have been GREATLY INCREASED, and because this is a soap opera, when talking about CLIFFHANGER moments the show should ALWAYS take the more dramatic route.

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You know something I AGREE totally with what you just said. I'm all for being patient, as I've said, but DAMN, I HATE "pan-aways" with a PASSION, it's like the camera is trying to avert it's eyes so as not to offend us. Melody was FABULOUS as always. But last week's scene was good, because it was sexy, yet creepy, the lip thing really DID IT for me. But this time, if they are gonna get CAUGHT, we need to SEE IT. The writers also BLEW a huge opporotunity today. Rafe made this comment about "in all my time as a lawyer, I've never seen a prison guard force anyone to make a report." WTF? This was a perfect opporotunity to establish Rafe's age, he could have said something like "Although I've only been practicing for a couple of years...." that would have estbalished him to be about 25 or 26. But they missed the chance, and screwed it up, making him sound like a "seasoned" attorney. Maybe they feel they already established him as Billy's age, but I think it beared repeating, since everyone thinks he looks so young (Give him a different HAIRSTYLE and some FACIAL HAIR!)

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Really enjoyed the show today. The interaction between the characters was great to see, with the glaring omission of Victoria. IA with others that her absence is getting hard to ignore.

I'm torn with the Rafe/Adam kiss. It would be great to see, but I'm not particularly pissed because it wasn't shown on screen. The implication - Rafe's hand on Adam's back, Nikki's reaction, etc. were done well. Eventually, I may want to see more but I'm fine with it for now. As far as I'm concerned, if Adam could dress up like Sabrina to freak out Ashley, there's not much he wouldn't do - including manipulating a gay man. It's not like one is worse than the other, I'm just saying the man is on a mission. He's not letting his eye off the prize and is determined to see it through regardless of what he has to do to get it done.

Now then....the Phillip story. Actually, I thought it was well done. With the obvious exception to TB's acting, otherwise I enjoyed it. Other than him, all the cast (some good others not as good) did a good job and I didn't find myself thinking once that they wouldn't have reacted the way the did after the reveal. Jill and Kay in the hospital was really well-written and played by both of them. Great to see them not tearing into each other for the first time in a few months.

This week as been good soap. More later.

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Oh i love my show! Mary Jane - girl you are C-Ray-ZAY! And i love it. When she hugged Victor it looked like Victor was almost scared of her. Get those sluts MJ! LOL! Can't wait for the big showdown between MJ and Victor.

Poor MTS - she must have severe back issues, from the way she walks. But when she walked in on Adam and Rafe....ooohh! Nikki's back in the mix!! IA they could have really milked the scene showing Adam and Rafe kissing, then Nikki horrified face, but in this rating challenged soap world, i honestly can't argue with Y&R not wanting to alienate ANY viewers. But MTS sold that shiz....still laughing!

And was I the only one thinking whenever Rafe was having scenes with Victor, Nick, Noah - He's doing your Son! Brother! Uncle! i know so juvenile but I did. I almost wish Rafe weren't attractive so I'd see this whole thing as more a punishment for Adam - cause if this is prison, i'm ready to do my time. I think YGis doing a good job as Rafe - they just haven't written anything for him to do. it's funny how there's no personality from Heather and now Rafe - does boinking Adam sap you of all personality?

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Awww - I missed u 2 Bri! I've been caught up with the memorial and Jackson activites. They did this really cool MJ tribute in w.hollywood last night - so you know another reason to drink! Yay! But...I'm back and hungover as per usual. ;)

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