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Y&R: Episodes Discussion for the week June 22

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Cara mia... My main issue with Neilsen, is that I, and most media outlets, feel their numbers are too LOW, they always end up underreporting.... but until the converter box coupon program, we never had real, SOLID proof. Someone mentioned the digital transition may have played a part in the ratings dip, and that is VERY likely as well, my opinion it's a combination of the streaming increase and digital transition:

DTV arrives but transition continues

Jun 18, 2009 1:41 PM, By Phil Kurz

Broadcast Engineering


"Many viewers too have had to address a range of issues to continue receiving over-the-air TV. In fact, the first post-transition tally from Nielsen of OTA television viewers that cannot receive a digital signal shows 2.5 million U.S. households have lost coverage"

I just don't see any viewer dissatisfaction playing a HUGE part in any ratings dip (Small part, maybe) I have looked over the boards, and I don't see large scale viewer revolt. I see alot of viewers reviling PARTS of the show, but I see a ton of praise for other parts. To me, Y&R right now is like a big, shiny red apple with a big bruise on the side. The rest of teh apple is still good, and I'm not going to throw the whole apple away, I'll just eat the good part. It looks as if the next two weeks is going to be VERY Chancellor heavy, which can only do good for the ratings. I remember on the boards at the end of LML's run, people were ready to go after her with torches.

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I'm really hoping this SON experiment works (although the skeptic in me isn't so sure). I can't wait to talk about the good AND the bad within each episode, in terms of acting, writing and directing, without constantly having to defend ourselves or make mass generalizations about the entire year and entire storylines before they've even played out on the air. Thanks for doing this, Toups. I know I'll definitely make an effort. Fingers crossed!

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I actually had quite a chuckle with Victor at Adam's computer pretending he knew what we was doing..

I totally forgot to write in last week's thread, that I could DEF. be down for an MJ and Cane hook up. DG just looks a lot more suited to be around the actors/actresses in his actual age range, than an teenager.

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Yup on both scores. MJ/Cane looked and felt right, in that brief scene. They connected as tortured souls.

And, in regard to TGVN, he'd have sent that computer to Bill Gates personally -- or flown BG IN -- and you know it! "The world's biggest experts" is what he always uses.

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Yup. That's a huge plot hole. When Victor imprisoned Michael Scott in the basement dungeon, he had cameras installed over the whole house, so Michael was forced to watch TGVN's every move (like having sex with Julia that Michael had to watch).

So, if Victor mistrusted Adam, that's EXACTLY what he'd do. High security, Ashley monitored, cameras everywhere...hell, some of the same bugging technology that Adam is using.

One concern about this story is that Victor has been rendered a bit stupid by being the victim of this plotting. I think we're supposed to think that Victor is giving a little benefit of the doubt [ a ] to his son, and [ b ] to a blind man. But, really, TGVN trust NO ONE and he ALWAYS calls on experts. The absence of these two elements really undermines the story.

Adam has to be SMARTER than Victor for this plotting to succeed, but that doesn't mean Victor has to be stupid.

ETA: I keep wondering if TGVN is off his epilepsy meds. They could establish that as an excuse for his stupidity :lol:

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Speaking of Chole's wardrobe.... I think it was Wednesday, did my eyes decieve me, or was she wearing a quasi-flashdance top over hotpants? Yes, Badzoe... the wardrobe is atrocious. Jeanne Cooper looks GREAT, but I understand those are HER clothes, or she at least has them made special for her. We all know now why Dickson wore all her own clothes, and put it in her contract. Back int eh 70's, the women's clothes were provided by Giorgio's of Beverly Hills, and Kay and the Brooks girls looked great, I don't know WHERE they get their clothes from now. I guess they FINALLY ditched Jill's fake lynx coat that they bought for Dickson in 1983. Jess wore that a couple times about 3 or 4 years ago, and DAMN, it looked like a wet, dirty, St. Bernard!

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