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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I figure I'd wait until a little past the half year mark to start the beating of the drums, as the much missed DaytimeFan would say.

MAB needs to let go of her short-term quick fixes and do some cleaning up of the problems she clearly has no intention of fixing.

Y&R may be better than most soaps, but its problems shouldn't be pushed aside and MAB doesn't deserve praise for her lack of storyline creativity.

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It does seem a bit incredulous that the "three stooges" Jill/Glo/Jeff would lose all their money at the same time. Heather's stubborness has made her stupid and I can't wait for that snug look she wares like a badge of honor to be wipped off her face. IMO Victor "knows" it's Adam but can believe his spawn is just like him. Ashley is so deep in denial that it's going to take her awhile to get over it. Adam who is not going blind thinks that he is soo smart that it won't be long before he's busted, most likely by dear old dad.

This lastest turn of events is the perfect set-up for Jeff Bardwell to exit stage right. Hopefully, it is revealed that he did come to town to avenge his brother, and to GET EVEN with Glo and now that Glo has been ruined there's no reason for him to stick around. He can now go off to Korea where his girlfriend lives. Glo is a master grifter so have no fear SHE WILL SURVIVE. Like Jeff there is no real reason to keep her around, SHE HAS BEEN BUSTED. She has no friends in GC so no time like the present to send her on a long trip. She can always return later on down the road.

I don't really pay much attention to Abby, but notice today that she seems to have Adam's number.

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A whole lotta crap, and few good things. That was kinda my point. Malcolm's "death," Neil's alcoholism, Dru and CrapLily arriving, Nikki/Victor marrying, Lorie returning, Raul/Brittany, Mac's Stalker, Amanda/Larry, etc etc.

So basically it is your irrational bias that's causing you to call about 6 or more years crap just because of one character's presence? :) And, yet, LML wasn't that bad? MAB is better than Alden? :lol:

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Well, she's already buried two rich husbands, and Jack wouldn't touch her if she were the last twat on earth. So, I guess it's Victor's turn?

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