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I could be wrong b/c they used that pic a lot in SOD, but I think this is the article where I first discovered that my Robin Strasser (Dorian) was the original Rachel which was one of those huge fun TV dork "a-HA!" moments. Like when I realized my Marj Dusay (Alex) was Blair's mom on FOL and replaced Carolyn Jones as Myrna.

Some trivia about that picture... I always thought Robin looked extra sexy and exotic in that photo set, and she revealed once on her hotline that the surviving pics of her as Rachel (i.e., the ones Rauch hadn't managed to destroy, not kidding) were from when she'd had an allergic reaction to some fruit (I think mango?). They caused her lips to swell up and distort her features a bit.

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Wow, Rauch destroyed her photos??

I can see the allergy now that you pointed it out.

I guess we'll never know but I feel like Robin does not get enough credit for her work as Rachel. I don't believe that she just played a "mean" Rachel. There was a lot more to Rachel than this. Rachel struggled with feeling unworthy and with poverty and needing love. Clearly Robin nailed all of this because otherwise I doubt Agnes Nixon would have repeatedly helped her with jobs on AMC and OLTL.

Thanks for reading all this stuff. I know it might already have been posted but I just had it and thought I might as well share it. I didn't start watching AW until years after I'd already been watching the CBS soaps but something about the show appealed to me. I guess we might all have our soap types. I think I was a P&G type. Too bad I missed their heyday.

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Thanks for posting Carl ^_^ Same thing with me, I watched the CBS soaps with my mom and only started watching AW after quite some time after I started watching Days. The Taylor Benson tale was front burner at the time, and while I liked it as a kid when but when I saw it on SoapNet years later it wasn't as good as I remembered. Same thing with the silly Christy Carson tale. AW wasn't a show I followed regularly but it was just a nice little show to watch at least in the early 90s, in the late 90s I could never figure what was going on. The whole John/Felicia/Michael/Sharlene/Lucas look-alike thing went over my head that summer it played out.

Lemay's comments on Strasser here are interesting. A few years later Lemay was highly critical of Strasser, and his interview last year I seem to recall he was actually borderline disrespectful towards Strasser's tenure. Speaking of winds of change, both the EP and HW interviewed would be ousted later in '94. Oh and Josie was the last Matthews on the show but the show ever really acknowledged that side of her under Amy Carlson and the last Josie.

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By the time I started AW was well past its prime but I really liked Cass, and Felicia, Donna, EW's return as Marley, and then Lila, and Paulina and Rachel, and I liked the strong acting and the friendships. AW did those so well, even up to the end, like with Jake and Chris. This got me started in the earlier episodes, reading about them, trying to watch some. Then of course Soapnet. Something I can't say enough is how important the Another World Home Page was to me in being absorbed by the show. At the time I had never seen such an extensive site for a soap. The only other one was the Edge of Night fansite.

AW also had a lot of roles which were saved by the actors, especially Grant and Cindy.

I have never seen a whole lot of affection from Lemay to Strasser. Not in his book or in interviews. I think it might be because she played a Rachel he did not create. I guess in some ways it's like the dismissive attitude some have towards Elaine Princi's work as Dorian. I just don't believe that Strasser played Rachel as only a meanie. I think any redemption of Rachel probably had to be there from the start. Otherwise it wouldn't have worked, even with a powerhouse actress like Victoria Wyndham. It was also Wyndham's Rachel who did things like send Alice a baby ribbon after she had had a miscarriage.

Even though I was not a long term AW fan the show just got to me and even though it's been off the air for so long now, I still miss it, I still feel like it's a part of me. AW was so one of a kind and they had such amazingly complicated characters and underrated actors. And they tried so hard. You could tell how much many of the senior cast members loved and respected the show. They're the ones who kept it going long after NBC and P&G gave up.

They should have at least brought in some Matthews for Josie to interact with when the character was all alone after Sharlene was written out.

Guarineri was the producer when they got disqualified for Best Writing, wasn't she?

It's interesting to hear Sloane say that she wanted to bring in more of a racial balance. I guess she might have been the one to do the Marshall Kramer story. It's a shame how AW went from a strong black presence to completely phasing out all black characters sometime around 1990. Still, they did start up again around 94-95, even if it wasn't enough. Compared to a lot of soaps over the past ten years AW was a rainbow...

Edited by CarlD2
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Kinda reminds me of that Bob Mackie Cher wore to the Oscars when she won for Moonstruck.

Did VW and CK have something going on off camera? I know they did Couplets and stuff together off hours but something about their body language in that clip made we wonder that for the first time.

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Not to sound like those crazy peeps who think everybody in show business is gay but... I just assumed CK was as gay as Christmas!

I figured they had a very close friendship, like Linda Dano had with Stephen Schnetzer et al., both being NY theatre people.

Anna Stuart can do NO wrong as far as I'm concerned. She is Diva gorgeousness.

Edited by Cat
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Some posters on a particularly salacious gossip board maintain that Vicky Wyndham had affairs with both Doug Watson and Carl Keating. Then again, others at the site contend that both men were gay and involved in sham marriages. I tend not to believe any of it, though it's clear Wyndham was very close to both men.

The impending demise of ATWT is making me remember the end of AW and how sad it was. Even though it was far from the show I fell in love with, I still watched every day for the actors and their characters. I guess it's rather pathetic how much I still miss Rachel, Felicia, Cass, Donna and Jake, among others. My heart goes out to ATWT fans.

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