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I don't believe quoting wikipedia itself is the problem. The problem is that She who I won't mention has a tendency to quote full pages of wikipedia and then post the pages in multiple threads. It tends to spam and spam.   No one minds the sharing of information. She, like another poster here often provides a huge amount of misinformation and straight up made up information and then defends said wrong info, despite the fact based corrections many posters provide-- with receipts.  No one wants to be mean, but four pages straight of rambling incoherent posts are a lot for many to take.  The fact that some posters stop posting here when she returns that have always provided accurate information and great synopses of DAYS in the 1970s <coughs> @beebs <cough> among others while she commandeers the board as though it was her own. 




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At one point NBC adored & loved AW & then, boy, did that turn around 180! And, the affiliates also loved AW but then they blamed the show for the 90 minute fiasco so the affiliates hated AW just as NBC was getting a hate on. There are plenty of stories about shows where the sponsor/owner & network feuded but I think AW's was the worst example. 

Just because I feel like putting up something positive, here's my favorite annual fan club luncheon from 1992, Baby Follies, and where Connie sang

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Oh, for crying out loud. I have not been spamming anything anywhere. And, personally I prefer to talk about the show instead of talking about other posters. it's just that I am so special people are just obsessed with me! They simply must share their opinions of me with other people! It's such a joy to have my own personal trolls & bullies. 

Many people have tried to figure out P&G! Even as recently as last year they had multiple chances to sell or lease their show catalogs to streaming companies & declined. They're sitting on warehoused tapes of SFT, ATWT, GL, AW, etc. In their past at one point they had a show on SoapNET & they even sold off a show to CBS but it was long ago & it didn't end well. CBS moved the show to LA & made a bunch of changes & it was cancelled within a year. 2 books have been written about P&G basically detailing how weird they are as a corporation. 

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Donna, that's simply not true. You have been disciplined by the administration for your posting habits and their problems. Countless posters, many people who don't know you and have nothing against you, have begged you to stop treating these threads as your personal blogroll and dumping ground of random detritus you found all over the Net. Often your facts are very wrong as well. You have been banned from boards for this behavior before; I wasn't there, but like many other people I heard the story when you came here. You are now courting it here on a board where the administration does not like to permanently ban anyone. You need to either learn to modulate how you post and the content of those posts, or face the consequences of what continuing may bring upon you. I am fairly certain your last extended hiatus was not by choice. Ask yourself if you really want another, or a permanent one.

You can feel however you want to feel, but don't claim a board full of mostly exhausted strangers all have it out for you. And don't lie and pretend you've never been officially told to stop.

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Vee, you follow me here to allege things that did happen & things you say you've heard of that did not happen & accuse me of lying when I am not doing so, well, you just prove my point. In the far distant past I was never banned from boards as some people haver alleged. They are the liars. Or they badly misremember. I am not now spamming anyone or anything. I am not now posting off topic except in conversations like this idiocy. I am simply posting correctly & appropriately & I'd like to get back to that. 

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I've not followed you from anywhere. You came here to us. I'm telling you what you already know. You've been disciplined for your posting habits before here. I don't report people except in extreme circumstances and I'm not going to report you; I don't need to. Your behavior is all out in public. You can listen to people or continue to ignore every good faith plea for you to change. You can either adapt to what most of the board has been asking you to do or you can roll the dice. It's up to you.

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Rhetorical question I guess, but I was looking at an image of Vicky and Grant ice skating yesterday and I wondered why they chose to write those stories using Vicky rather than Marley?

Vicky as a character was completely neutered of any agency, or prior malice, by the time of her involvement with Grant and Ryan.  Marley was always portrayed as a romantic who was more easily manipulated which fit better with the motivations of that plot.  They costumed Vicky in romantic fashions like Marley, rather than her prior "rockstar at the office" attire.  Marley was just as rich, so the Grant story makes sense.  And Marley rode horses so the Ryan stuff would have fit. Finally, Jensen Buchanan seemed to me like more of a Marley than a Vicky unlike her predecessor who received so much praise at Vicky that strategically it would seem like a good plan to have the recast play the other role. 

I mean look at these images - who do they remind you of, Vicky or Marley?

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I mean, it was NBC's second most watched soap (which wasn't hard, but still). I just don't think it was attractive for them to get rid of it until Passions arrived and they wanted that show post-DAYS. For whatever reason they didn't feel like giving that shot for Sunset Beach or Santa Barbara.

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The Canadian fans were amazing! If only their viewing had counted in ratings, huh? I was on an e-mail discussion list in 1998 that was dominated by Canucks! They could not understand the show being in trouble. They got AW & Y&R only & AW was their fave. 

Does anyone have any interest in character creation? I read yesterday that Richard Culliton created Marley and Wallingford. 

I've been trying to list Lemay's creations. Long list! 

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