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Tanquir first came up when Cecile abandoned Cass in Majorca, and of course during the time she subsequently kidnapped him and prevented him from marrying Kathleen. But Cecile indulged in a lot of high comedy before she disappeared from Bay City in 1984 when she was investigating Royal Dunning's murder. I particularly remember the time she and Felicia dressed up as nuns and then told the police it was for a production of The Sound of Music. Oh, and when she went to talk to some witness with Wallingford and hilariously kept overlooking the fact that the witness' corpse was stuffed into his refrigerator. I think there might have been some comedy when she was conspiring with Alma Rudder to drive Blaine crazy in 1983 as well.

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A little off topic but Tanquir was first mentioned leading up to the launch of Texas. Tanquir was a big part of the story for the first several months of Texas.  If I remember correctly Cecile was nasty without much humour (other than sarcasm and snark) until the Alma Rudder story.  Cecile’s frustration with Alma when their plot against Blaine snowballed is when Nancy Frangione’s gift for comedy started to show up onscreen. 

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Thanks for the clarification, @Efulton. I was thinking of Cecile's involvement with Tanquir and that she was definitely comic before she ran off and married the King. I was dimly aware that Tanquir had existed in the P&G soap universe -- wasn't it also a feature of some storyline on GL as well? -- but I didn't think that Cecile had had anything to do with it prior to Majorca.

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When Susan Keith first came on the show, Cecile was basically a nice, sympathetic character who was in love with Dennis. However, Iris successfully schemed to break them up, which was used as the motivation for Cecile to do a 180-degree turn into becoming a schemer. At one point during this phase of the character, Cecile was competing with Pat Randolph to be editor of Brava Magazine, part of Cory Publishing. Whether good or bad, Susan Keith's Cecile was not humorous. Susan played the role well both ways.

Edited by Nicholas Blair
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Nancy Frangione's return in 1995 was a disaster because of the producers and writers.  AW had tried to get her to return full time for many years to no avail.  Frangione returned in 1986, 1989, and 1993 for short returns, but it finally looked like she was ready to return to the show full time in 1995.  JFP treated her like a day player, listing her with the recurring cast members in the credits rather than signing her to a contract.  Then, when JFP updated the opening credits in March, 1996 Frangione wasn't included because she was not on contract.  

The writers also did Cecile a disservice first by having her "kidnap" her own daughter to get ransom money.   Then, the writers tried to say Cass was really Maggie's father when much of 1982 was taken up with Sandy or Jamie being Maggie's father.  Cass wasn't even on the show at that time.  Then, Cecile is written out of the show in June, 1996 broke and down on her luck never to be seen on the show again.  

What a waste of a talented actress and a character with years of history with the show that could have driven storylines for years.

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Tanquir was originally used during a plot for the lead-up to the spin-off, Texas.  It was a Middle-Eastern oil rich country in the desert -- sort of a fictionalized version of Saudi Arabia.  After Texas premiered, the plot continued for a few months with characters in Houston interacting with characters in Tanquir.  A few years later, the name Tanguir was used again on AW -- this time to describe a tropical island nation, nothing like the original version of Tanquir.  It was used mostly for laughs, rather than a serious plot.   It seems lazy writers just used a name they remembered from the past (Tanquir), but really created an entirely new fictional location.  Too bad they weren't creative enough to think of a new name.   

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When was Tanquir first described as a tropical island nation? I don't remember any particulars of its geography or economy. I wonder if they confused the island on which Cecile held Cass captive with the nation. 

What was the GL Quint/Nola version of Tanquir like? 

Do we know whether it was the same HW constantly peddling Tanquir from soap to soap, or various writers pulling it out of the P&G grab bag? 

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The very rich are different from you and me. They have jets and yachts and things and can meet their future spouses anywhere in the world (and now, probably, in space). Geography and nationality did not keep Onassis from marrying Jackie. 

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