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Another World

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Yes.  I meant to mention he started in the first year of the show.  He came in later months as Pat's lawyer for murdering Tom Baxter.  If you look at the ending credits of 1979, he was still listed as like # 6 or so.  Rachel, Mack, Ada, Pat all still credited before him.  So much for seniority.. 

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I guess that was more a reflection of other actors' demands. Some fought for billing status in contract negotiations and others were not so interested.

Wasn't Susan Lucci always part of the standard credit crawl?

I would have expected to see

and Susan Lucci as Erica..

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Jacqueline Courtney and George Reinholt received top billing to be replaced by Victoria Wyndham and Douglass Watson In the mid-70s.  The rest of the cast from the late 70s and early 80s would be listed in order of seniority.  


I can only only think of two instances when this did not happen.  Stephen Schnetzer left the role of Cass in 1986 and returned in mid-1987.  For a few months, he was listed at the bottom of the credits when he first returned.  Then, he started to appear directly after Linda Dano in the credits a few months after his return.


In 1986, Denise Alexander was listed at the bottom of the credits when she first joined the show.  A few months into her run, she began appearing last in the credits as 




Mary McKinnon

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Yes, SL was always part of the standard closing credits crawl, but she got special first/last (and first AND last) "billing" in the opening credits from 1990 til cancellation.


That was such a head-scratcher to me and many others when SoapNet aired reruns. We were younger and didn't fully understand what a big daytime star she was in the seventies.

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While "In This Life" made it to the final aired episode, there was another edit of the last episode that used  the Crystal Gayle/Gary Morris "Another World" theme in the last few scenes of the episode.  I wish someone would place this on YouTube.

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Really? Did someone from the show share this info?


In This Life was used in an earlier episode too, I'm foggy on the circumstances. A great song to end AW (perhaps even greater for ATWT) with the lyric, "Let the world stop turning..." 

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Does anyone remember if there were promos about Iris' return to Bay City? I was just looking at my YouTube page with Carmen Duncan's first episode, and I imagined that an unspoiled longterm fan would've pooped purple when Rachel opened the front door to, "Iris!?"

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