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Now I am addicted to it...it friggen hilarious, and I love that the blond guy, Matt Crane, acts like this is stupid as hell.


Now DAM doing that dance, I heard rumors but for sure that guy has sugar in his tank after watching that dance!

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@Mitch that part about "sugar in his tank" made me just about fall over. 


Now that I looked at it again, I think Charlotte Savitz must have been the one behind it, as I see that second Zak, the Lumina flunky who was friendly with Sofia and Lila. I think Goutman canned him almost immediately and he was turned into dust or something by Jordan Stark. (the actor went on to be the second Seth on OLTL when Brandon Routh fucked off). 


Never mind - Zak lasted into March, so 4-5 months more than I thought. I'm not sure why I forgot that.

Edited by DRW50
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Carol was indeed becoming a major character during her time on the show, and it's unfortunate that Jeanne Lange did not stay longer. The character clicked and the actress was talented. John Getz was very affable as Neil, and had good, easy-going chemistry with just about everyone. The problem is, Lemay did not seem to know what to do with him, and he drifted around for a while, not doing very much of note, being being phased out.  It's a shame. He was so sweet. I would have accepted the actor as a new Russ Matthews. Unfortunately, IMHO, David Bailey never really brought much depth, strength, or interest to the role.


Of course I have never met him personally, just seen what he's like in interviews and read his autobiography, which also provides some examples of his character. He comes across as very prickly and prone to arrogance. That being said, his work on AW was excellent, and I would watch his material over many other writers'.

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I always feel kind of bad for thinking it as he had a tragic death in real life but I also thought he was very dull as Russ, from the material I've seen (mostly 1980 and then 1989). For what should have been an integral character there's no spark. 


I wonder why they didn't kill off Therese while Carol was still on the show. What did you think of Therese? 

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I think that is all that needs to be said about that particular promo! But damn it, it made me have to watch it again!! I love that they threw them playing basketball and boxing gloves to let us know that , no, no, these guys are all men!!! Damn, I would love to have heard what Eplin and the guy who played the lawyer with the deep voice had to say about this!!!

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I know, I feel guilty too when I criticize his version of Russ, but after Sam Groom's poignant portrayal, so full of warmth, sweetness, and quiet strength, Bailey's interpretation of the character never did it for me. Russ become flat.


I was okay with Therese. The actress is superb, and Lemay adored her, but as a relatively minor, accessory character, I never invested much emotion in her. I must say, however, that her death scene was quite poignant, and almost made me think I might miss her.


But of course, the character I REALLY missed who was killed off in the mid-1970s was Mary Matthews.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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Was Paulina's back story from the moment she arrived thst she came from the foster system...or did that get added once judi Evans took over?  I could buy the chip on their shoulder foster child angle with Evans playing the part...while Cali's take was softer, yet more manipulative...if that makes sense.


Wasn't John getz's Neil also paired briefly with Angie perini?  I assume the first angie..not The second one, right?

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Per AWHP he was engaged to her and they were split up by Willis Frame. He beat up Willis before leaving Bay City. 


I think that when they revealed her backstory with Ken they said she had been in foster care when he took her in, but I can't remember. 

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I was thinking Lenore was gone at this point but I guess not.  I looked up stats on AWHP.  I think I recall hearing Carol was Rachel's maid of honor to her marriage to Mack but do recall seeing scenes they became unfriendly but most likely this was Rachel's turn around time become a nice person and Carol was just like another Iris..

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