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OMG this entire promo has JFP's fingerprints all over it! A generic rip-off of 'current popular music trends' ? Check. That 90s styling, the pinnacle of Jill's Signature Style? Check. A studio set stolen from In Living Color? Check. A promo featuring ALL MEN because female characters suck? CHECK.


I wonder if Tom Eplin and Stephen Schnetzer were dying a little inside when they shot this?

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I think I missed it. I watched at the time but maybe this was some episodes I missed? Someone said they had a version with women too. 


It's very cheesy, but does remind me AW had some of the hottest guys in those years...Mark Mortimer, Matt Crane, et al.


This was around 1998 or early 1999 so it would be Chris Goutman. 


She did do her tedious "all men" episode in her run though (for Gary's bachelor party or someone's bachelor party).

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Ugh, I forgot that other soap killa also helmed this show, and during its last year too. I felt like every time I tuned in, Paulina & Joe were on lol.


Yeah, AW had hot guys... more importantly, the show had actors who committed to the love stories and the love scenes. By that I mean they didn't only have beefcake just showing up because, y'know, MUSCLES. The romance could be very swoony and sensual on AW. I used to think Tom Eplin looked like a goblin, but even I can't deny his topless/love scenes with Judi Evans were excellent. Then there was Paul Michael Valley and Anne Heche who used to light a fire by just looking at each other.


Perhaps Jill Farren Goutman should have promoted that sexual chemistry instead of a promo which looks like the most brightly-lit gay bar in the world. 

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@Cat, not a goblin! 

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 I thought Tom Eplin was handsome. He wasn't the best looking but he was adorable. 


@DRW50, I think it was Joe's bachelor party that JFP did. Didn't she do the same damn story with Nick on Y&R before marrying Sharon? Or was that before JFP came on the show? 

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LOL..that was part of the show? Not a bad commercial? This is the height of a soap trying to be "cutting edge!" and failing miserably.


DAM was so hot, I hate that he got stuck in dumb roles..I like his Edmund on GL but I think I and most of the viewers hated San Crud so much that we coudln't over look that. I thought it would would be cool to make Eddie the first gay villain on soaps...(I remember Carmen breaking into his apartment and looking at his tapes or CD and saying "Edmund..just WHAT do you like to watch in your sparetime," and I thought for sure she would have some blackmail material on him but no..this was MADD and Rauch and a gay villain would have been too cutting edge.


I always thought Eplin was hot..in a real "guy" kind of way and not the usual pretty boy model type soaps push. And JFP did the all male episode bachelor party first on GL, with Hamp's bachelor party. I remember  VI trying desperately to act human and "buddy like" and it was so uncomfortable for him and the viewer!

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lol I said 'used to.' USED TO think he looked like a goblin! Eventually I got sucked into the Tom Eplin aura. He dominated AW for well over a decade as THE show's leading male sex symbol, with good reason. He had a twinkle in his eye, and always had crazy chemistry with his on-screen partners. He exuded a lot of sexy swagger. 


What can I say, I was a young, dumb kid once  

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Glad you came to your senses! : ) I know a lot of people on ATWT hated him but they didn't like the AW characters coming in, but I thought he fit well in Oakdale  and Eplin had chemistry with everyone he worked with, the ladies of course and guys (It seems to be hard for soap actors to have any kind of chemistry with another on screen guy, if they are friends it comes off as stilted and wooden..see VI....but maybe its that soaps dont know how to really write guy friendships...)  Also, I have heard people say.."What happened to Eplin, he got so fat.." I thought he looked better with a bit of weight on him.


What ever happened to him?

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I think it was a promo that aired after the show.


Eplin was very hot for most of his AW run, especially the '80s. I didn't mind him with the weight gain later on (he said it was from an ankle injury), and I do think he fit in on ATWT. It's too bad they wasted him. it was sad to see AW's legacy just erased like that.

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He did look a bit rough during his ATWT stint, but he still had that swagger to him. 




Glad to see so many people that actually liked Jake on ATWT. When I used to post on that other soap forum that shall not be named, many of the people on there always claimed that Jake didn't assimilate well on the show. 


I thought Jake/Molly was one of the few things Hogan got right during his stint. 

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Tell me about it. Carly regressed at that time too. The whole Mike/Molly/Jack/Carly quad was abysmal. I hated how Carly fought for Jack and won him only to screw up a few months later by bedding Mike. 

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 That story pissed me off. 


And of course like the scavenger she is, Katie scooped up Mike after no one else wanted him. Just like she did Simon after Lily rejected him. Katie was always that girl that loved someone else's leftovers. 

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