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I loved watching Carol Lamonte during that Golden Age of AW. She worked as an architect at Frame Construction alongside Willis Frame (at that time he was played by John Fitzpatrick) and Neil Johnson, who was played by John Getz. He had been a fellow understudy of mine in an ill-fated production of Macbeth at Lincoln Center. He understudied Christopher Walken, who played the title role. John was handsome and likeable and I wasn't surprised he landed on AW about a year later. I think he only stayed for the length of his initial contract and moved on to a fairly good career in film and TV. The last thing I've seen him in was The Social Network-he has an excellent role in it as an attorney. According to imdb he's worked constantly.

Edited by TimWil
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Thank you, Saynotoursoap for this classic clip:

I was SO glad to finally see this scene that so many people have talked about. It was so good to see VW's Rachel be so evil and slowly drive Alice over the edge.
Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I read that JC quit because she didn't want Alice to get involved with Willis Frame. She felt that would be out of character. I recently downloaded Harding Lemay's book " Eight Years In Another World" and he really trashes her and George Reinholt in the book. If I remember correctly, he talks about the Alice/Rachel scene and says that he hated the way JC played it and called and complained to Paul Rauch when he saw it on TV. He wanted her to have a quiet breakdown and referred to her playing it as histrionic.

I think HL was full of crap. The above scene is awesome and JC was excellent as a mentally disturbed Alice. He also trashed her for sloppy bad acting in other chapters. He claimed she wrote her lines on her cuffs, sobbed through scenes of dialogue because she didn't learn her lines etc.....He went on about George Reinholts uneven acting and bad behavior behind the scenes. He claims other actors were put out with George and the final straw was when he threw a chair at a director.

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I think that Lemay was more upset that JC pretty much took away the scene from their new star ingenue VW. Anyone that saw JC on both AW and OLTL would know she was a pretty competant actress, writing lines on hand or not. I also never saw evidence of Reinholt's (an actor good enough to make it to Broadway) "uneven acting" as Lemay claims. I wonder what HL thought of all the actors/actresses on daytime afterwards with his measuring stick.

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I'm sorry, but you can't play that kind of scene quietly. Not when you're lunging after your scene partner, chasing her out of the house and throwing [!@#$%^&*] at her. Besides, was JC supposed to be blasé about the whole matter? The bitch was trying to take her house! Under those circumstances, it would be understandable for a grown woman to get all "Maury" on her nemesis.

If Lemay wanted JC to play the scene more subtly, then he should have written it more subtly. Either that, or Rauch and/or the director should have given her a note to play it more subtly.

Anyway, thanks, saynotoursoap!

Edited by Khan
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It's always strange seeing Liz as so serious (and Irene Dailey being so trim).

I think Lemay just did not like Jacquie Courtney being a pre-established star when he arrived, as he also seemed to have no time for Reinholt, Val Dufour, Virginia Dwyer, or Robin Strasser. He only seemed to think highly of Susan Sullivan, who became a personal friend, and Constance Ford.

In some way I wonder if he resented that they were not his to create (Rauch may have felt this way too). Unfortunately their AW was built on sand due to all the theater actors who didn't want to stay around (that was the reason the woman who played Therese Lamonte left).

I thought Courtney was superb in her breakdown scenes, at least what is available. You have to be OTT, to show the toll this took on Alice, to show us that this is NOT Alice.

If anyone wants more of this material, Eddie Drueding has it available for download on his site. He only asks you consider donating. He has another clip from around this time that's very good, where Pat and Robert find Alice hiding in the closet.


The downloads aren't available right now but they pop up again at some point during the month, or next month.

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I agree. I think writers such as HL have chips on their shoulders and do not want to write for characters or actors they did not cast or create. They wanted were intent on changing Rachel because of their casting of VW and making JC & GH secondary.

Yes, I have the AW download from Eddie's website and all of JC scenes were excellent. It was Lenore and Russ that went to check on Alice and had to break in to check on her. JC is so convincing as a mentally disturbed Alice. William Roerick plays Alice's doctor that comes with Russ to the house to convince her to come with him to the hospital. William would go on to GL as Henry Chamberlain.

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I forgot to add that Harding Lemay was also a big fan of Beverly Penberthy (Pat). He said he saw her on the show before he took the job and knew he wanted to seperate Pat from her marriage to John Randolph to explore other romantic storylines for her. I wonder how he felt about Michael Ryan (John) since he killed him off in 1979 ?

There are a few slams to actors in the book where he doesn't name names.

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