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I remember that quote. I wondered at the time what 50-something Deidre Hall, the network's most popular and highest-paid daytime performer, thought about it. I also remember that, as a young teen, I was fascinated by AW's Mac, Rachel and Iris, and had no interest in the show's teen stories. I hear the same thing over and over again from AW watchers of my generation. Have young people really changed that much over the years?

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Amen!! With the very few exceptions of teen stories like Robin/Stone, I could care less about teen stories because most of them are badly written by writers who are clueless as to how REAL teens act. Speaking of acting, the people hired to play these teens were mostly cast for their looks and not their "talent".

Meanwhile, the "mature" couples like Tom/Alice, Mac/Rachel, Carl/Rachel, Steve/Audrey, Joe/Ruth, Edward/Lila, CC/Sophia, Lionel/Augusta...they were sweet, loving, and were much more interesting both as couples and individuals than most of the characters polluting soaps today. It's people like Frons, Lee, Guza, etc., who have helped kill the genre.

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Had AW not held the post-DOOL time-slot, it may very well have been cancelled earlier than it was (though SB would likely have benefited). Then again, airing AW at 1:00 (as you suggested) actually would have made a lot of sense, because it would not have competed against any of the P&G soaps. The decision to place both ATWT and AW at 2:00 was idiotic.

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Ugh. I am crying again. sad.png I never thought I'd ever see that scene again in it's original form (thanks to music rights and sh*t :rolleyes:). This scene along with that damn spinning globe in the final scene of ATWT (accompanied with the Prince of Tides theme) kills me each and every time. I curse any and everyone that had a hand in destroying the P&G treasures. May they all burn in hell.

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I am really enjoying some of these May 1999 AW episodes. I feel that the show was really hitting its stride then, only to then have it all taken away from us.

In these two episodes (5/21/99 and 5/24/99), the Jordan Stark storyline ends. (Jordan/David traps Amanda in the Secret Garden, but Cameron convinces Amanda to come back to him, and Jordan fails to get Amelie back.) We also watch Paulina on trial for Grant's murder. (Does anybody know the name of the actor who plays Judge Anthony Walker? He looks familiar.) I remember Paulina being such an idiot for believing that Tito/Tim was her son, when others kept on warning her that he just wanted her money.

Michael Rodrick (Cameron) was quite a good actor. He deserved a bigger career than he had, and I really enjoyed the Cameron and Amanda pairing.

Although these two characters were not in these two episodes, the Felicia/Sergei storyline was also going on at this time. I read on the internet that if AW had not been cancelled, the lighthearted character of Sergei would have taken a very dark turn. I also read that Anne O'Donnell (Alice Barrett) would have turned out to have been Frankie Frame.

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Speaking of Ada's funeral, the scene that absolutely gets me every single time is when Rachel leaves the gathering to be alone for a moment in the garden and remembers how she and Ada discussed growing old. The thought of Ada having to be cared for by Rachel enraged her (Ada). Rachel said that when the time came, she would want to take care of her mother. As that flashback fades, we see Rachel back in the present, who breaks down in tears. That scene was beautifully written and brought to life in the very capable hands of Victoria Wyndham and Constance Ford. When Rachel takes her mother's face in her hands and tenderly strokes it, I was so moved by that unspoken bond.

I also liked the ending credits, which was a montage of photos of Constance Ford - many of them taken with AW co-stars. Instead of the AW closing theme music, Tuck & Patti's "They Can't Take That Away From Me" played. Then the last frame had the "in loving memory of..."

Frons, Lee, etc., wouldn't know good soap opera if it goosed them!!

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