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I always wonder what would have become of the character of Paulina if Cali Timmins had stayed? She definitely looked more like Sandi Ferguson's sister than Judi Evans ever did and I loved the early Paulina/Jake interactions when he was blackmailing. Cali and Tom Eplin had great chemistry.

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I think they would have kept her as a little more of a vulnerable bitch and less of the downtrodden heroine she became when Judi took over. I also think Rachel would have been more protective of her, whereas Judi's Paulina often seemed to have to look after a semi-helpless Rachel.

The part I miss most is the Paulina/Iris interaction with Cali in the role. Delicious.

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When I saw this clip for the first time since Soapnet I thought I'd be drawn mostly to the location footage, but instead I just said, "Cali Timmins!" to no one in particular. I'm glad I was not watching AW at the time this era aired, as I would have had a very, very tough time getting past her departure.

Edited by CarlD2
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I was just starting to warm up to Cali as Paulina when she was replaced. Paulina was too hard for me and was only softening when Jake woke up after being shot. I was a huge Judi Evans fan on GL (and then on DAYS) so I was okay with this change. I don't know if the character would have stuck around until the end if Judi wasn't playing her. It was a bit jarring though to get a new Paulina, new Vicky/Marley and new Grant in a short amount of time.

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I don't think Paulina would have been around until the end either if Judi Evans didn't take over. The story with Jake probably would have played out and Paulina would have been an after thought. I liked Judi Evans on DAYS before coming aboard so I warmed up to her eventually. I don't know where Cali's Paulina would have gone. She certainly would never have married a cop like Joe in my opinion.

I agree switching all three players Vicky, Grant, and Paulina at the same time was tough. Plus, Vicky suddenly being interested in a congressman seemed odd to me. She was filthy rich so why would she be intoxicated by the "power" of a congressman. She could have bought that seat herself. haha

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I don't think Judi's Paulina would have believably been married to a cop either. They just rewrote her character.

I wondered more than once if the writers knew just how rich VIcky was. She was hugely wealthy and yet she always lived a very reasonable existence, never going wild or having any worries over being drained dry. That seemed more like Marley.

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I liked Cali Timmins, but I LOVED Judi Evans as Paulina and I thought she had scorching hot chemistry with Tom Eplin. I agree that Paulina's story arc would have been much different if Cali had stayed in the role. She was more vulnerable, but also more calculating. I could easily see her being more of an antagonist than Judi's Paulina.

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Carl, you don't even know- she and Anne Heche left at the exact same time, then Kathleen left a few months later! It was an AWFUL time as a viewer and I just could not get down with Judi Evans and Jensen Buchanan in those roles. It just didn't work. Thank GOD for Tom Eplin, Anna Stuart, and the arrival of Alicia Coppola's Lorna because I might have checked out otherwise.

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See it's totally the opposite for me- it was Timmins that had the scorching hot chemistry with Eplin. The first time Paulina slept with Jake is one of the hottest scenes ever to air on daytime. There was something about Cali, her looks combined with her line delivery, that just gelled in the role of Paulina. Evans came on and Paulina became a bull in a china kitchen, which was preposterous when you consider the original character. I just wish Cali had stayed and often wonder how different it could have been. The producers were very shortsighted in letting Cali go at the same time Anne Heche was leaving, having the Frankie/Cass/Kathleen triangle to distract from their departures in the summer, then letting Julie Osburn leave in the fall. It was the first MAJOR step toward cancellation IMO.

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Teag but I was liking the way they were goin with her at that time as she was torn between Grant and Morgan, and then Justine was poising her, and I liked the Wallingford Bookstore and Joe and Paulina, I was feeling AW then.

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