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AMC: Tuesday, 4/21/09

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Not liking Scott (the actor, don't know enough about the character to judge if he's written Scott-like).

Liking JR more since Scott came to town, though. I am sure re-living the what appears to be coming, aforementioned Babe-JR-Jamie redux will not help my new found enjoyment of Junior.

Marissa, is giving me NuColby heebie-jeebies. Her voice, her face. Scares me.

So glad to have Erica back charming the pants off everyone, almost literally including David's competitor. Love LaLucci, but the rack is a bit much for me. Best leave that to Eden. :)

Jesse's manner gets on my nerves sometimes but his exasperation with Ryan struck me as funny. Shouldn't I guess since Ryan is in genuine distress (even though he sent a tiny girl out to the busstop alone).

Loved, loved the Brot stuff. Very proud of JM. Liked the on location with real vets footage, a nice touch and felt like AMC. I like Brot and Taylor together even if there's not a lot of drama there. I wish they were more integrated the show's had plenty of time to do so.

Glad today was Martin-free.

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I thought the exact same thing. I was in the kitchen making a sandwich and then I heard Marissa's voice and rolled my eyes thinking Colby was gracing us with her presence today.....not impressed thus far.

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Awww - I really like Taylor/Brot. :wub:

That Krystal/Marissa massage parlor set looks like it came outta OLTL!

Marissa is ok - I'd like to see another range of emotion before I form a solid opinion. I haven't read spoilers about this storyline, but I'm guessing Krystal gave her up for adoption? Hmm, if she's younger than Babe, why would Krystal keep Babe and give away Marissa? Interesting.

I gotta say the Scott Chandler storyline is boring.

There's Annie with her whacked out wig again. What a hot mess! Haha! Btw, weren't we just talking about how the Pine Cone Hotel set hasn't been used in forever? Well here it is!

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Oh, please, Carl! Don't you dare, babes! The last thing we need is yet another hypocritical Martin running amok. Besides... I don't want to see Tad inviting Jamie to live with him, too. 18 people are already living in that house and Amanda's sleeping on the sofa as it is.

Brot's on today? :wub: JR Martinez is fcukin' awesome!

It's amazing how an injured, non-acting Iraq War vet can grow leaps and bounds in just a few months and has so much charisma... while Moncrief and Turner are still walking in Zombie Mode through their scenes.

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JR has grown with a generous, giving performer like Beth Ehlers. She has a twenty year history of making pairings work with her subtlety and human portrayals. I wonder how many actresses with her years under her belt would have been so willing to work with a newbie with no experience. JR is charismatic but Beth's reward is to be isolated and backburned while the frontburners leave in droves. Maybe JR and BE are lucky to be on once a week.

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Im confused. Why the heck are Annie and Aidan going on the run? This really makes no sense to me

Another thing, is Marissa supposed to be a prostitute? The dialogue and the cops showing up at the end, would suggest show but the way she was dressed, the whole setup and how things are presented made it appear that she was a masseuse. BTW, is this a contract role. I hope not bc this girl has NO screen presence

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To think, there was a time when I looked forward to seeing the Martins: Dr. Joe, Ruth, Paul, Charlie (Brent), Tad, little Joey (before he became 'Jake'), and Grandma Kate.

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Brot makes Taylor almost tolerable, but she treats him like he's her son not her lover. But even so, it is one May/December romance that needs to work out and last.

JRM is a real life hero in every sense of the word, and if tptb have enven the smallest of clues, they'll keep him around!

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