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Glee: Discusion Thread


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Not too many funny lines anymore. :( I used to type out a lot more.

Episode 2.16: "Original Song"

Sister Mary Constance: For a nun, I’m pretty liberal. But…..I’m barely a nun. In fact, I just joined because I needed a place to live. The Convent is the one place I knew where I could stay off the pole but my questions is this, that Dalton Academy, is it a gay school or is it just a school that appears to be gay?

Episode 2.15: "Sexy"

Holly: And Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?

Brittany: I get my information from Woody Woodpecker cartoons.

Episode 2.14: "Blame It on the Alcohol"

Burt: I don’t know what two guys do when they’re together. You know, I sat through that whole ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – from what I’ve gathered, something went down in the tent.

Principal Figgens: And now performing the hit single ‘Tik’ and also ‘Tok’ by rapper ‘Ke’ dollar sign ‘Ha,’ the New Directions.

Episode 2.13: "Comeback"

Sam: My dad always said there are two ways to get a woman to love you – take her hunting and rock-n-roll. I knew what I had to do. I mean who’s more rock-n-roll than Justin Bieber? No one. That’s who.

Brittany: Most teachers think by cutting class I can improve my grades.

Episode 2.12: "Silly Love Songs"

Tina: Five minutes ago you said Mr. Shu belonged in a 12-step program.

Will: Wait, what?

Santana: You’re addicted to vests.

Sanata: I’ve had mono so many times it turned into stereo.

Puck: What is this place?

Lauren: It’s a library.

Episode 2.11: "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle"

Azimio: If I have to stay, I’m not singing no show tunes - that is the music of my oppressor.

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That's exactly why I couldn't get into Nuke on ATWT after the initial hype. I get that one of the characters in the pairing is supposed to be the "main" character that the viewers most care about, but doing this kind of story based entirely on just that one person's feelings makes them look bad as hell. How much have they developed Blaine (besides the whole kissing Rachel thing that...well, apparently Kurt doesn't "believe in bisexuality" or whatever, which is fine, I like having reasons to hate TV characters, but whatever)? It's like TPTB doesn't want to spend time writing both sides of their story because that would be "too much gay," which...this is Glee, so anyone who's uncomfortable with that stopped watching a long time ago.

Anyway, I'm starting to see the appeal of the show. It has a place, I think, but I can't see myself ever getting into it.

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Kurt's bisexual hatred just made him an even more unsympathetic character. And he is obviously upset he isnt going to nations, and i bet they have him go back to mckinley high just so he can go. he is a selfish, whinny, annoying, judgmental ass.

I get the appeal, it is light fun. I just wish they would write it that way.

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This show doesn't seem very popular at this site, but the couple of Blaine/Kurt I think is one of the best couples I ever saw on TV. They remind me of Jenny and Greg in their sweetness and Blaine especially is so unrealistically perfect. But that is his charm I think.

This song was put online, and once again Blaine is his romantic, perfect self.

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://c.gigcount.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEzMDM1MTgyOTc2NjAmcHQ9MTMwMzUxODI5OTcxOSZwPTEwNjM2NjImZD*mZz*yJm89NGNmMmU1NjJmNzM3NDQzMjk4/MTY4YjIxZWMwOTJlY2Imb2Y9MA==.gif" /><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="410" data="http://vids.perezhilton.com/plugins/player.swf?v=a209595b66d18&p=vega4-without-ads-transparent-flp&autoplay=false" height="308" id="embedded_player"><param name="movie" value="http://vids.perezhilton.com/plugins/player.swf?v=a209595b66d18&p=vega4-without-ads-transparent-flp&autoplay=false"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="base" value="http://vids.perezhilton.com"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/></object>

He is a very romantic character in a very old fashioned kind of way.

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ICAM. I really love Kurt CoBlaine together (I adored Jenny and Greg too). I am really looking forward to Tuesday's "Born This Way" episode - all the songs sound great.

More evidence of romantic charm:

Baby It's Cold Outside:

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Teenage Dream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E46BhMIRujI

Edited by Darcy
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In that christmas clip my favorite bit is when he moves in closer as he sings "mind if I move in closer". He moves in like a cartoon character trying to woo the object of his affection. (which is basically what Blaine is).

Teenage Dream was a great intro to him, but I loved when he sang in The Gap, and when he sang Bills, Bills Bills.

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Mercedes is ok, but that whole diva, Aretha style of singing I am ODed on thanks to years of American Idol. I much preferred a few weeks back when Santana sang "Trouty Mouth" over any of the other original songs even with the limited note range. Mercedes is a good singer, but her style has become boring and over exposed to me.

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LMAO! I LOVED that quote. Every time I see Ke$ha's name, I immediately think of "Ke-dollar sign-Ha."

I feel like Glee is losing a bit of its magic. Maybe the last few episodes of season two will make up for a few of those lackluster storylines.

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