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OLTL: Discussion for the week January 5th

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Tea and Blair are SO MUCH FUN to watch. I did not appreciate Kassie for the longest time, and I do more and more.

David- I am so glad he is back for a long stint. Tuc is god. Or Buddha.

Somehow this show made his buddist voiceover thing work during the ending of the show.

The show really balances high drama and camp so very well.

Sometimes the tone reminds me of my all time favorite show Six Feet Under.

OLTL has its own vibe. Its nice to see it find its groove.

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I'm glad Todd didn't die...

Please don't kill me - I can't help but to want Tarty together. lol

I just like their scenes together. They have great chemistry and the actors are doing a fantastic job.

So Marty hopped on a bike with a stranger... Another Marty rape story? I think Todd will save her.

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Did you notice how in a weird sort of way, they are trying to make us hate Marty and feel sorry for Todd. I realize that Marty hates Todd for what he did to her (and rightfully so), but it seems like Marty is the bad guy now and Todd is just pitiful.

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Possibly they're trying to show a different side of the conflict? It's obvious that Todd is screwed up in the head and needs help like nobody's business, but at the same time, just because of the horrible things he has done, that doesn't mean he's immune from being handed his ass 24/7. That takes a toll, and it's obvious how it's affected Todd.

I think that it's possible that they're not trying to make the audience side with one over the other. The truth of the matter is, they both need help and healing.

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