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During a White House tour to the Trumpence transition team, Jared Kushner asked a White House staffer how many staff members would be staying on! 

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 Are these people really that stupid??!

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Marine Le Pen's equally repulsive niece is now working with the Trump transition team so he has straight up Neo-Nazis involved. Lovely. His victory has also apparently galvinised some of Australia's right wing nationalists since I saw some out in force yesterday in Sydney complete with bright red Make Australia great again hats.

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(re: Le Pen's niece) And he wonders why so many of us diversities don't trust him and never well. My question is why isn't this trending or being covered in the media? This is why I haven't been watching the news as of late b/c they steady coddle Trump instead of outright calling him out.


Not surprised that Trump's win has galvanized nationalist all across the world. Hitler managed to do the same thing when he rose to power. 


This man has reopened Pandora's Box and unleashed hell upon Earth. 

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