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Once Biden asked the National Archives to release any complaint that Reade made she backtracked and said that she didn't make a complaint of sexual assault in her 1993 complaint, so she is basically confirming that there is nothing there. She also claims that she lost her copy of the complaint.


It's also been revealed that she lied about taking acting lessons from Robert Reed. Her story is that he was a retired actor and helped her at 18, but the problem with that is that he never retired and worked right up until he died (she was 18 long before he passed away).

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TBH, I heard her name before I saw anything "in print," and I thought everyone was talking about Tara REID, the "American Pie" "actress" who has a reputation for being an all-around lush.

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In order to believe Reade you have to accept 1.) Barack Obama's vetting team missed it and 2.) The GOP hate machine with its sole focus of keeping Obama out of office also missed it.


You have to think that this was floating around out there and that no one from Fox News to Mitch McConnell himself ever caught even the slightest whiff of this. You have to believe that even in 2012 when Obama was running for re-election after having passed the ACA not one whisper of this got passed to anybody on the right. 


Because here's the thing, this wouldn't be about Joe Biden being a sex pest it would have been about Barack Obama's poor judgment. In order to believe Reade you have to literally ignore the racist psychosis Obama unleashed in the GOP which has become their defining principle.


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And that is the heart of her grifting...sorry, complaint. The flies are swarming this thread what with the level of crap in it. Reade's either an opportunist extraordinaire or severely mentally ill and being exploited.

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Great news today in Canada!  But it doesn't go further enough.   


"However, the changes won’t outlaw these weapons completely in Canada, as the government will be offering current owners of these guns the ability to grandfather in their ownerships, allowing them to still possess these guns under specific terms. Owners will also have the ability to be compensated through a buyback program, though the details of both options have yet to be outlined."


I don't like the "grandfathering" aspect, but at least something is being done about gun control here.






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The talking point tends to be "he let his daughter intern for Weinstein," as these people tend to believe Obama is the worst of humanity and have been giddily waiting for more reasons to "prove" this. Hopefully these people are a minute section of voters, even if they carry large media attention, but with the race so close I'm nervous of everything. But no matter who was in Biden's spot, the same accusations and games would be put out, so I'm just left hoping Biden can hang on to November, and if he doesn't think he can, he will leave while there's still time. 

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This sounds disgusting - and it is. I don't deny it. But the GOP being SUCCESSFUL at getting an ADMITTED abuser of women via tape [Access Hollywood] into the White House has changed what voters deem a deal breaker or not. Maybe we should be better. But ANY candidate will have mud flung.


So, whether Biden did this or not? I still think he is better than the POS that has killed scores of Americans to bolster his reelection chances. At this point, since our very nation is proverbially on fire, I assert Trump's "shoot someone on 5th Avenue!" verbiage to Joe.


I wish it didn't come down to this for me. But it does.



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Same.  I wish we had the luxury of not voting for a(nother) flawed candidate like Joe Biden.  However, the sad and ugly truth is that we, as a nation, cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump, regardless of whoever he's running against.  We just can't. 




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Meanwhile, the blasted NYT's editorial board is looking to sabotage the election once again in Trump's favor by asking for a full investigation into Ms. Reade's claims.



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When I posted sarcastically about Tr*mp (sick of typing his wretched name) and his love of Kim Jong Un, little did I know that hours latter, the jerk would tweet about...Kim Jong Un.  Damn, is the big dumb oaf reading this messageboard.  In case he is, don't run for reelection but announce it in October.

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