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I read that Andrea Mitchell (who of course would love Liz Cheney as the Bushes employed her husband for 8 years) was gushing about Liz being a "rising star." To the media, I guess she is. She has the right last name, she's cold, she's mean, and she's a hatemonger. That is their ideal Republican. 

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I don't get the attention-seeking Bernie or AOC vibes from Congresswoman Tlaib, this was likely an emotional statement in what she took as a private moment, but I'm disappointed at the gift given to the GOP and the media right off the bat. I think impeachment talk is a mistake and also a huge Pandora's Box.

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Same about not getting Berner vibes from her. As for giving the GOP and media a gift, let's be honest, if we don't give them something they'll just make it up. Look at all the talk about Warren declaring. The media went right back to its Hillary playbook and the GOP went right back to being racist.


I agree that the impeachment talk is a mistake. Anything that involves relying on the GOP to flip is DOA. Better to indict him and everyone around him.

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Yesterday, it was a dance video, tomorrow it will be something else.  The media aids and abets the lack of serious political discussion about some very real problems.


I love how they got all over Obama's a*ss over the broken campaign promise of not closing Guantanamo Bay, even though most of the prisoners had their individual cases reviewed one by one and those who were deemed eligible for release were placed in other countries that were willing to accept them--in the end, all but a small group of prisoners deemed too dangerous to be released, vacated Guantanamo.  But the media was all over it until the end of his presidency (which is fine, since it was a stated campaign promise).


Yet with Trump, the media has already decided to ignore that he has broken a number of his campaign promises (even though they were clear lies, he should still be held accountable for broken campaign promises) and frame the wall funding as a "showdown" between him and the new Congress, or is that the House Democrats?

Most of the media is nothing but a disservice to the U.S. public at this time.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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That was an elderly man with dementia and narcissistic personality disorder hopped up on adderall trying to deal with the fact that he's going to be exposed as a criminal.



Yep. That's why I refuse to get all worked up when Trump attacks the press. The truth is the press failed to do its job during 2016 and very few have shown any accountability for themselves or their profession. I don't want anyone harmed or killed but I'm not taking to the barricades for the people who helped bring us here and still refuse to be held accountable for that.

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On a side note: I have as many issues with Ocasio-Cortez's earlier conduct prior to 2019 as the rest of us, but I think she is learning quickly. She'll need to keep listening to actual experienced colleagues, because she has tremendous potential now to either have a meteoric rise or immolate herself. She has already become a very powerful hate object for the far right by virtue of her ethnicity, gender and age. She can use that for the Democrats and for Latino voters, but first she has to continue to set herself apart from the radical fringe. Time will tell. If I can admire Joe Biden despite his slew of flaws and what he did to Anita Hill, I can certainly give AOC a chance.


As for impeachment, I also don't think it'll happen. I've always said if Trump leaves early it'll be because he takes a deal and walks. But Al Sharpton made a very salient point about what the existential terror of the concept of impeachment - and threatening with it - means personally to the ill-informed Trump:



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