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Anyone who's even skimmed the Bible knows that God loves irony, lol.


To think:


Whether he is confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and whether he is, in fact, guilty of attempted rape and other crimes, Kav's behavior and rhetoric last week will follow him, if not for the rest of his life, then for years to come.  It's all there, on the Internet, never to be erased.


Much of this circus might have been avoided, though, had he said, "I drank a lot when I was young, and I didn't always behave responsibly. Although I can't recall for certain whether I assaulted Professor Ford or Ms. Ramirez, as a member of the legal profession, and as a husband and father of two daughters, I apologize now for my actions, and for the damage, both physical and mental, that I have inflicted upon them, and their loved ones.  Further, as a Supreme Court Justice, I pledge to ensure that the rights of all victims, male and female, are protected under the U.S. Constitution.  I know my words cannot erase the years of torment that Ms. Ford and others have endured.  Nevertheless, I pray that they, and the rest of this country, will find it in their hearts to forgive me."  Done.


He could give that business about "even if I don't have the final votes," because even he knows his confirmation's in the bag; and despite what many think, he is not under trial.  Ergo, what harm would it have done just to apologize and avoid this mess?


Instead, he subjected us to lie after lie after lie, all to cover up what remains so obvious: that Brett Michael Kavanaugh is a shy loser who can't hold his liquor, who strikes out repeatedly with women*, and who has no business presiding over ANY court, much less the highest court in the land.


(*Seriously, was Ashley the first woman not to tell him "no"?)


And the sad part -- I mean the REALLY sad part?


1. Clarence Thomas remains on the bench.


2. Even if Kav isn't confirmed, we're sure to get another right-leaning, conservative judge confirmed by Congress, so removing him actually changes nothing in the way of SCOTUS' ideological makeup.


3. Confirmation or no confirmation, the statute of limitations has probably run out on his crimes, so forget about prosecuting him in criminal court, too.

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And people really think Hillary-as-President would have been so much worse?



Dunkin' should send all those agents free coffee and donuts.

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