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The tactics seemed increasingly self-defeating and there was very little interest in getting educated about civil disobedience. For example, during the RNC convention in Cleveland last year every group that wanted to protest march had to register for a parade permit. Every group, whether left or right leaning had to do it. Basically the city used that to try and schedule marches so that you could space out opposing groups (don't schedule the NRA to march right after the Sandy Hook Promise march). It was also a way to make sure that everyone knew the rules (no bottles, cans, umbrellas, weapons, etc..) The local BLM chapter simply decided they didn't want to do that and would show up to march whenever they damn well pleased. That made no sense to me and easily could've led to unnecessary harm. 


Also, I've grown to dislike the tactic of blocking roads even though I've done it. That's a form of protest that can go south really quickly. The moment an ambulance can't get through you've lost the moral high ground and the cause no longer matters.


Then there's stuff like the BLM chapter in Toronto that threw smoke bombs during the moment of silence/remembrance at the PRIDE parade. I just found that horrific. It was like watching the Westboro Baptist Church protest a funeral. That was my final straw.

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Oh, man.  I knew about what had happened in Toronto, but not in Cleveland.  That's...exasperating.  I mean, the movement has, at its core, the right intentions.  However, leave it to those few, bad apples who want to spoil the rest of the proverbial bunch.  


Don't these people realize that actions like those (violating permit laws, blocking roads, etc.) only play into the mindset of the "All Lives Matter" crowd, as well as all those right-wingers like Sean Hannity who'd love nothing more than to defuse the entire movement?


Except, this time, I think they could go through with quarantining.  It'd HAVE to be up to Supreme Court once again to put a stop to it.

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My real issue is the same one I have with antifa. People who don't want to think these things through are going to get innocent people hurt or killed.


But again a lot of my issue is that a lot of these young protesters aren't trained in civil disobedience and aren't interested in learning. I underwent CD training in the 90s. The whole point of CD is to nonviolently break an unjust law then accept the punishment. A lot of these youngins haven't thought about what happens if/when they get arrested. Back in my day 

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, we had to think through a whole list of questions and prep: Write the phone number for your bail contact on your arm in permanent marker because the cops will take your belongings.  Do you have any health conditions where the police could withhold your medications? (asthma, diabetes, hypertension). What happens at your job if you get arrested? Are you prepared to have a police record? Decide whether or not you want to carry your ID or give a fake name. If you want to give a fake name decide on that now and get used to it. Stuff like that.


I'm obviously devoted to the BLM cause, I just need more structure than the "organization" has or wants to have.

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John Kelly's speech was horrible and ripe with hypocrisy. To speak of when women and dignity of life were "sacred". Did he forget women couldn't vote? Couldn't have credit cards? The Native Americans were wiped to near extinction while simultaneously holding Africans in bondage?

I haven't even touched on the fact that he took the time out of his day to publicly eviscerate and condemn a black woman (Rep. Frederica Wilson) as if she intruded on the phone call. She knew Sgt. Johnson since he was 5 and not only was the call on speaker phone but the family WANTED her there and have CORROBORATED her version of events. His refusal to say her name as if she worthless trash unworthy of being dignified really pissed me off. 

The Trump administration continues to hit new lows even after I think they no longer can. I'm so ready to vote him out y'all. 

And seriously f**k John Kelly. With his hypocritical, racist ass.

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Saying something will never happen is pretty extreme.  The last time I did it was the day of the election when my husband told me to get ready for President Trump and I said with utter disdain "that will never happen".  It's not like Trump won white women in some kind of landslide. Religion plays a huge role in there being so many conservative women, imo. So many are brainwashed even in this day and age. That and all types of humans have greedy and selfish in their ranks. 


I also don't think white women hate each other any more than any other group of young women..  Young women tend to think they are in competition with each other (they aren't entirely wrong) and there is a lot of rivalry that goes into that.  I went to a women's college and as far as I could see these issues crossed race lines, but friendship and love did too.


As far as the workplace goes, I think women (and men) are physically safer with women in charge.  Look how many women mentioned HW's physical size as the reason they initially went with it. One look at FBI crime statistics will tell you that men tend to make up the vast majority of violent crime.  That doesn't mean women managers don't make life hard in a host of other ways. I know of at least one woman who would not stop harassing a male coworker because she thought she was in love.  Total stalker. She never touched him, but that just made it harder to get rid of her sorry ass.

Edited by Juliajms
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It wouldn't surprise me, in the least, if this was discovered to be the case.

This was a common tactic in civil rights movements throughout contemporary history, particularly ones championing the advancement of civil rights for Blacks.



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I've seen the fake Black bots on Twitter. I warned people that follow me about their existence by re-tweeting articles about them.


I'm hardly on FB so I'll take your word for it-- I have read that companies traced back to Russia purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of ads on FB.


Google still posts links to fake sites that masquerade as legitimate.  I just read about fake Politifact and fake Snopes sites being linked to fabricated articles on Google.

I'm so tired of Google, I use a different search engine now.  DuckDuckGo is not as efficient as Google but I'm sick of Google's shady practices.


Scary stuff.

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Somebody on twitter just made an account using that black soldier wife name calling out that congress woman. I believe the real woman wouldn't have time to write on twitter.


Black women 4 trump@TallahforTrump is posting false information. 





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WTF! People should be reporting this fool for spreading false information. Twitters guidelines for reporting abusive accounts generally don't include spreading misinformation-- they need to fix that because it's the reason these Bots could go around spreading misinformation and fomenting strife.


Anyhoo, speaking of False News,

FauxNewsChannel has tried to fixate on the since of Harvey Weinstein while quietly renewing Bill O'Reilly's contract.


O’Reilly Settled New Harassment Claims, Then Fox Renewed His Contract

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Something new to distract the masses from his many, many, MANY failures:




I'm sure many are salivating at the thought of the JFK assassination files containing some sort of bombshell.  ("Oswald didn't act alone!  LBJ/The CIA/The Mafia was in on it!  BENGHAZI!!"  Oops, wrong conspiracy.)  I think it'll end up being another Geraldo Rivera at Al Capone's secret vault.

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