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Has anyone read this article?  It's a pretty good read, a piece about an act of terrorism and a surprising act of forgiveness and the road to redemption. Hopefully this young man can/will do the work to being fully redeemed. At least he sounds contrite. Forgiveness truly is an act of faith.


The Two Americans



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Apparently, Liberty University A.K.A. The Falwells own a South Beach hostel that is referred to as a flophouse and a "cesspool of vice". 

My Weekend at the Falwells’ South Beach Flophouse



An interesting article about how the number of Ukrainian refugees has increased this year, thanks to a decades long (some might say outdated) migration program instituted during Soviet times.

I see no problem with people who want to migrate for a better life but even most of the people interviewed admit that their lives are not in danger, rather they are mostly migrating for reasons of economic instability in the Ukraine.  

There are some whose lives are in jeopardy but they live near/on the Russian border and many of those people have already fled.

Soviet-Era Program Gives Even Unoppressed Immigrants an Edge


Also, Ukrainian migrants have a far shorter wait then say Yazidis trying to get out of Syria. The Yazidis have faced rape and torture and usually have to spend at minimum two years in refugee camps being thoroughly investigated, examined and fingerprinted/biometrics. Ukrainians who migrate often get permission within a year.

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Due to Trump talking about how he might end the order that has allowed Haitians to stay in the US since the 2010 earthqauke, thousands have been going to Canada, which is now causing headaches because scams are in place which make many of them think all they have to do is show up at the border and they'll automatically get in. 


This man just has such a corrosive effect on anything he goes near. I hope this won't play into the hands of the far right in Canada.



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Which falls in line with what many (both here and elsewhere) have been saying: namely, that Trump really sees his presidency as an extension of "The Apprentice."

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If this were a joke on Johnny Carson...


Carson: "Donald Trump is so racist -- "


Audience: "HOW. RACIST. IS HE?"


Carson: "He's so racist, even white people all look alike to him!"


Ed McMahon (o.c., as AUDIENCE LAUGHS): "Hi-yooooooooooo!"

Edited by Khan
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Thanks to lazy-a$$e$ who couldn't be bothered to vote at all and the 30% or so "base", the US is now a complete joke around the world. Can't blame them. If I had enough cash and the means to do it, I'd haul a$$ to Canada right now.

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