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That is another thing I hate too. Is the name calling.

Come on people can't we act like adults. Children call each other names - not adults.

On another site I used to go to there are folks on there that call George Bush, McCain, Palin, their spouses all kinds of names all the name. Another member called Obama one and all those same folks went up in arms and ended up getting the guy who called Obama a name banned from the site.

It used to be that religion brought out the biggest hyprocrites but in this day and time politics seems to be turning more people to hypocrisy than religion or at least just as many.

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Yeah but even with that there is so much blame to go around from Bush, FEMA, to the governor and officials in the New Orleans area.

My former in-laws live in the coastal Mississippi area and while New Orleans and LA were down there still doing nothing many in that area were on top of things and getting ready for Katrina.

They should have started evacuating New Orleans long before they did. And then just like my former in-laws who were stubborn you had so many of those people who chose to stay and wait it out. They wouldn't even leave even though people were telling them this could be bad.

And don't take this wrong - I feel bad for New Orleans - but even moreso I feel so much more worse for the people of Coastal Mississippi and Mobile area of Alabama who lost just as much as those in New Orleans but are never remembered. The press and celebrities played up New Orleans so much that the injured in those cities have totally been forgotten and overshadowed.

My former in-laws lost everything they owned. And just barely escaped with their lives. A friend I grew up with lived in the Gulfport area and they did evacuate. When they went back there was nothing left of their house. It was as if the water just washed it and everything they owned away.

What happened down there was bad, but it didn't just happen to New Orleans and I think we forget that sometime.

I may be wrong but I think Rhiannon who is a member here is still living in one of the FEMA trailers. She lives in the coastal area too and lost her home.

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I'll state some of my basic views and maybe that will explain for one why I can't identify with parties. The other reason is I am just tired of them and what they stand for. Neither represent who I am anymore or even what I stand for.

My basic political beliefs:

  • For Gun Control
  • For the right of gays to serve in the military and get married
  • Against abortion
  • Less taxes
  • For stronger immigration laws and enforcement
  • Less foreign aid
  • More aid to help homeless and the poor of this country
  • A tax structure with stronger taxing on the ones who have more
  • More help for small businesses and the same type of breaks for small business owners that are given to foreigners who come here to open up businesses
  • Tax breaks for all American business owners to help encourage more to invest in jobs and things here and not have the advantages of moving their businesses out of the country
  • An open policy like now for foreigners to seek the American Dream but cut out the advantages that they have over Americans in opening and starting businesses
  • For Health Reform
  • Against national health care
  • Cutting out of any illegal alien benefitting from Social Security or any type of government aid. That is a right that should only go to US Citizens
  • For capital punishment
  • Have no problem with drilling for oil in Alaska
  • Less governmental control over issues like smoking, seat belts, etc.
  • For taking away the ability of politicians to vote on their own benefits and pay raises. That should be the people who are their bosses decision and not theirs.
  • Cutting out of the ability of politicians to be given gifts of any kind by special interest groups. Make it illegal to accept any trips or gifts of any kind.
  • National language made English

I never vote in primaries anymore because here and I guess everywhere in the primaries you have to vote all one party. I have not voted all one party since 1983.

this last time I didn't vote for McCain or Obama. I couldn't. It was a bad choice and I couldn't support either of them for President. I guess many would say I threw my vote away, but I looked at it as sending a message to the parties. I voted for one of the Indepedents. Right now I don't remember which one. It wasn't Nader.

I voted for Gore when he first ran against Bush even though I didn't really like Gore but I thought of the two he was better. But I did vote for Bush the 2nd time because I thought Kerry was a worse choice.

Since I have been able to vote my Presidential votes have been like this:








Independent (I think now his name was Barr)

Edited by SteveFrame
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I think most independent lean either Democrat or Republican. Judging from SteveFrame's voting record, I could be wrong. I do think there are a lot of people who are apathetic. In this country, all you have to do to register to vote now is say yes to the question when you go get a driver's license or visit some other types of government agency. People say no when asked if they want to be registered. More than 20 percent of voting age population doesn't even bother to register. I don't think the government can lower barriers to registration any more and people still don't register. The only answer can be, they don't want to register.

I vote Democrat probably 99 percent of the time. I don't vote 100 percent of the time, but most of the time.

I don't think that means I have to blindly follow the party though. I really like Obama and think he is doing a very good job. However, he has to compromise on his budget. We can't go that far in the hole. That doesn't mean, I don't support him or what he is trying to do. It just means, I'm not going to follow blindly. I still know that the president works for me, not the other way around. Bush being so stubborn cost him dearly. It will cost Obama too.

One thing I want to say: Democrats and Republicans in Congress are awful. They don't accept responsibility for anything. The AIG bonuses were stinkers in my opinion. But my goodness, those bonuses are pretty small potatoes. Those bonuses are symbols of the problem, they aren't the problem. Congress - Democrats and Republicans -- decided to Dixie Chicks the executives who received those bonuses. Rush Limbaugh is a gas bag 99 percent of the time, but even a blind hog can find an acorn. Rush was right about McCarthyism tactics with AIG.

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Well, I'm not sure what Bush could have done to prevent the hurricane... Ummm, did you happen to see "The Simpsons Movie"? Perhaps a huge, clear shield would have done the trick and stopped the hurricane from lashing the Gulf Coast. I know, silly statement... but I have yet to see accountability demanded from Ray Naggin, or the former Louisiana Governor What's-Her-Name...

There have been hurricanes since and the toll hasn't been as high. Why? Certainly not because federal government has its crap together... Any improvements are likely due to leadership at the state level, which is where regional crisis management originates anyway. That fact has long been lost on Katrina-ites who desire to pin natural disaster on a sitting President.


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Well GD and SF, we agree on some things but not all. Both of you seem to be compassionate and you are guided by your conscience and your heart. I venture to guess that you are both active in your repective communities. Like me, we all want what is best for our country. Sometimes the paths we choose to get there are different. I have found that it is best to accept the things I cannot change but strive to make things better. Like Jess said, many of us don't exercise our right to vote.

I am hoping that Obama and Congress can come together to find solutions to move us forward. I am extremely tired of the blame game. GW"s presidency is over and it is time to move on. The past is the past. I am hopeful in Obama and I realize that he is very different in his way of dealing with issues. (or different from GW). Those differences make people uneasy. It is understandable because change is often difficult to deal with.

SF, I am sorry for your hard times just as I am happy that all is going well for GD. That is the nature of these times. I am optimistic that things will get better.

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Or on the inexperienced FEMA director he put in place.

I agree that there's blame to go all around, but c'mon you don't put someone who's never had any experience whatsoever in government in the position to head FEMA. Can you truly blame them for blaming the President and the director of FEMA. I can't help but to think that the reason Bush put that guy in charge of FEMA was because he could care less about climate change and it's affects on the American people. Be it hurricanes or otherwise.

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I persevere. Life has it's ups and downs. I am thankful that I have a job (in special education, so I'm saved so to speak). I have a home and I'm able to put food on the table. I consider myself among the lucky. Never in my voting life have I lost faith in this country or what it is capable of accomplishing. I have faith in our system of government and faith that we can right the wrongs.

On another note, my brackets are totally busted. Memphis just lost to Missouri and Duke is going down. Of course since my Bruins were hammered, the joy is not there, I must put my hopes into next year. Isn't the madness time a great time of year and a great diverson too.

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Why not? Obama got elected President and he doesn't have any experience!

Sorry... I'm teasing now... LOL... a little levity, of course. But with all that said, Michael, I still say the ultimate resposibility for what went down during Katrina lies with local authorities there. As others have pointed out, Mississippi and Alabama were hit, too... but those folks had their act together. Just my opinion, though, based on observations and news reports.


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