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If he had just said I did it, but it was 35 years ago and I've changed.  I think most people can probably understand that. 


At the same time, I don't think it's purity politics to want leaders who haven't dressed in Klan garb as adults to be our leaders.  Even in the 80's people understood that the Klan was a terrorist organization, even if those weren't the words we used. There are things we do in this world that stay with us even if we've changed. I'd say putting racist photos in a medical school yearbook is one of them.  Imagine finding out the the doctor who treated you did something like that against people of your group? It's terrifying.


Blackface is harder for me to put into context, I'm not even sure I knew that existed until I was well into adulthood. I see someone doing that in the 80's as stupid versus evil, but I'm not black, so not my call. 


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In 1984 at 9 years old with immigrant parents even I knew it was incredibly disrespectful and offensive.  I can't envision any scenario in which a man in medical school wouldn't know that.


Putting aside for a moment, the frightening reality that a medical school thought these images were fit to publish in a yearbook,


The longer this continues with Northam holding on to the governor's office, the dumber the VA Democrats look at this point.


Back to the medical school's poor judgement. 

By now, it is (or should be) well known that Black women and Black mothers, have some of the worst medical outcomes and high numbers are often ignored and/or diminished when they try to relay their health concerns to doctors.   

This lack of sensitivity and yes, racist stance by the medical school, needs to be looked into.  I mean, how was this acceptable... 1984?  Not 1884, mind you, but 1984?!

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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