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Al Franken has consented to an investigation, which needs to go forward. I don't see anyone defending his behavior. Trump supporters, of all people, should be the last ones to talk given Don the Con's history with women.




Trump won't, for obvious reasons.  

Also,  hasn't he been silent about the latest crazed shooter? I guess when the shooter is a crazed looking white guy who had no business getting access to guns...in Trump's eyes, it's not a problem.

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If Franken did what he is accused of, he's no better than all of the other dirtball predators. But the Trump Cult can GTFO with their hypocrisy.


Especially when many of these same people defend not only the likes of Trump, but Roy Moore, too.

Edited by Wendy
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President Obama did everything he could to keep gun violence in the news.  After every mass shooting, he'd have a press conference and tell it like it was.  I loved it.  Republicans and the NRA fumed, but at least there was something on the news about the number of mass shootings.  There were 477 last year, and 391 so far this year.  But we have only heard about the most egregious.


Trump won't say [!@#$%^&*] until he's called out on it.  They want to downplay the gun violence as much as possible so the NRA keeps sucking them off.  It's disgusting.  


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I hope the investigation is thorough because we, the public, need answers and everyone investigating needs to get to the bottom of this.


In fact, in every single one of these allegations, I would hope that an honest thorough investigation is conducted.  It's especially important to the public when it involves an elected official.

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As for Al Franken, I think the photo is repulsive (I've seen some say it's not so bad because he didn't actually touch her - if this was done without her permission it's bad no matter what), and in an ideal world he should resign, but the timing of it feels off to me. I do believe her, but this came out at the perfect time - not just to help Trump, but also to help Roy Moore, who gets to act like a martyr and when he wins (he's going to win - he was going to win no matter what), he, the GOP, and the Beltway can say there's no reason to expel him or do anything but support him, because Al Franken is still in office. 


Even if Al Franken resigned tomorrow, Roy Moore would still win and he would still be seated. And the media would shrug it off, as would voters. They don't care what Republicans do, especially Republicans who hide behind a fake and craven perversion of faith that degrades the many good Christians out there who are so unrepresented today.

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OK. Thank you for saying this b/c I've been feeling this way but didn't wanna something and face backlash. I find it odd that this came out when it did too, and people are saying that Roger Stone was tweeting about this 24 hrs before she came out. 


Not to discredit or denounce her, but does anyone else feel that this might've been planned (by Trump and the GOP) to cause GOP voters to go ahead and vote Moore in? Also, the House bill slid by today too without much attention b/c of this. Could this be part of the possible plan too?


Something is just off about this, and I feel even bad for thinking it or saying it. 

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