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True.  But I'd dissed and dismissed those peons eons ago.  Their defense of Trump now makes no difference to me, one way or the other.

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Sen. Corker's comments are...nice.  However, I keep circling back to the same thoughts: it isn't enough for anyone from the GOP to condemn racism or racists...and frankly, now that I've had some more time to think about it, it isn't enough for them to condemn Trump directly either.  At the risk of sounding even MORE like a broken record, the GOP are not entitled to be outraged by this man when they had been warned repeatedly about the perils that would await us with him as president and refused to neutralize him.  They are as responsible for where we are this week as are Trump himself, the many cable and network news outlets who allotted him the airtime necessary to build his base through race-baiting, and even we who voted third-party or not at all.  All of us from these groups need to share in the blame for this, and we all need to have a whole stadium full of seats and let the TRUE patriots -- the ones who bucked him at every turn, and the ones who set aside whatever issues they might have had and voted for Hillary -- figure a way out of this nightmare.

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Wait, so now Bannon insists the interview was STRATEGIC?  How is it STRATEGIC to admit that North Korea actually has us over a metaphorical barrel?  Granted, as I've said upthread, I don't think anyone ever looked at Trump's "fire and fury" jive as more than just that, but let's just say that if I WERE Steve Bannon, I wouldn't admit as much to anyone.  You know, just in case North Korea or some other nation felt the urge to test us again?


If that's what you call good strategy, then I really don't know [!@#$%^&*] about politics.


But, you know, the more I think about that interview, the more often I keep coming back to his comments about the alt-right, calling them "clowns," or whatever.  You know what that tells me (aside from the fact that Bannon needs to check himself into rehab)?  It tells me he doesn't take a lot of what the alt-right does and says any more seriously than we do.  Maybe he agrees with them, and maybe he doesn't, but above all else, he regards them as he regards everyone else: pawns, to be used, and then expunged, in his personal, sick power games.


To put it another way: he isn't racist (maybe), he just exploits those who are -- which, in my eyes, makes him just as reprehensible, if not more so.



Yeah.  "Now comes the point in our show," I said as I read the article, "where we trot out some tokens to tell us all that Massa Trump is actually good peoples."  As if hearing it from a handful of AA's will somehow make the rest of us go, "Okay."


"Uncle Tom" might be an object of scorn to many who know the story.  However, IRL, all the Uncle Toms still had a job to do, and a purpose for doing it.  They bowed and scraped for their masters, because they knew there would come a day when their children and grandchildren wouldn't have to.  What's Trump's so-called friends' excuse?

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I said before how I thought Steve Bannon was either a moron or a liar -- and I stand behind that estimation.  However, something tells me that if Trump WERE to oust Bannon, then Bannon would try to take down him and his entire administration in the worst way possible, bringing new meaning to the words "scorched earth."  Everything we even THOUGHT we knew about the president and his staff would be peanuts compared to what Steverino might have up his sleeves.

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Facts presented without comment at this time: Pence has cut his international trip short and will be at Camp David with Trump Friday. Now we have word Jared and Ivanka have been picked up by the Trump team from their vacation in Vermont.




Say what you will about Arnold, but he's been anti-Trump all along:

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Republican leaders continue to let Trump turn the GOP into the white supremacist party


From the article:


I have no great insight into the deep psychology of Republican Party leaders, other than the overly simplistic but still predictive political science chestnut of treating them as single-minded seekers of reelection. But at some point, the obvious question becomes: Reelected to what? To be a member of the party of white supremacy? To hold office in a country torn apart by race war because they were too pusillanimous to stand up against the causes precipitating it?

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