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I appreciate you sharing this. I am going to have to put him on my podcast list. That second half on voter ID laws, voter suppression, and such was excellent and really good contributors. I've already subscribed to the Brennan center newsletter after listening. There are some very sobering facts but also some reason for optimism if people keep working and paying attention to these things and actually show up to vote.  There is a great organization out there also called Voter Riders which is a national group organized to help people get the documentation they need to register and to vote.

Another crony. Didn't he work for the law firm backing Gorsuch's nomination? No thanks. He also backed McCain over Obama. Pass. I don't buy he's non partisan

Edited by JaneAusten
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Terms I NEVER expected to have associated with the presidency; and folks, I was there for Whitewatergate.



It's like "House of Cards" meets "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills."

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Meanwhile, inside a drawing room in Washington, D.C., Mueller and Comey are toasting each other with brandy snifters.  (Comey: "Game on?"  Mueller: "Game on.")

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Good thing. THis is what the democrat have been asking for. He's going to have open access to anything he needs, ability to investigate, subpoena, hire investigators, and prosecute.  He has a fairly stellar reputation. I believe he was asked by Obama to stay on beyond his 10 year term.

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