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Sorry, I was referring to Katy Tur's tweet (which Josh Marshall retweeted and Vee has shared upthread) which said that Fallon and Jeff -- uh, I mean, Ivanka and Jared -- were one of two factors making things bad for Bannon at the WH.  They're still morally bankrupt people, but if they're making Bannon's life hellish in any way....

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I read earlier that Steve Bannon was the source of that.


Okay so I know I am wrong for this but I cannot stop laughing at this headline:

Pat Robertson: I’m Being Dominated By Homosexuals


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I have no love for Greenwald and The Intercept but this is a decent article by Greenwald.




Maybe I am biased because whether it's Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bush1, I hate our affinity for bombing and/or invading countries. I also think drones are chicken [!@#$%^&*] because it alleviates the US having to experience the horrors of bombing, This one is especially awful as the MSM and press wets their pants over bombing praising Trump while those victimized are not even allowed refuge from the war in this country.



And on a side note why the hell does Brian Williams still have a job. Sick [!@#$%^&*]



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Greenwald jumped to blaming Democrats for 'goading' Trump into attacking Syria. He immediately focused on condemning any Democrats in support of removing Assad because to focus on Trump would make him look like even more of an idiot after spending the last year claiming Trump was less of a hawk than Hillary. Greenwald's primary target is always America, liberals who aren't as far left as himself, and anyone who would make his ego take a hit or make him look stupid.


As for the media, I think most of any shock and awe re: the bombing faded when it was revealed Trump had tipped off the Russians and failed to crater the airbase - even Chris Matthews suggested it was all a stunt.

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Well, post missile strikes, an official from the U.S. called Russia to confirm that Russia would still maintain the aircraft collision prevention hotline (which is supposed to prevent mid-air collisions of U.S. aircraft over Syrian airspace) and Russia said 'Nyet'. 


Russia suspends collision prevention hotline

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I think both Putin and Trump both need a war. But they don't want one against each other.


Both men want to use each other to gain money and power. I'm sure Trump fantasizes about millions from Russian oil and being credited with a new world order where the US and Russia destroy the browns and rule over all and the history books laud him as the REAL Ender-of-the-Cold War. Putin is undoubtedly more realistic and intends to use Trump until he becomes a liability.


The problem is that they're engaging in a public game of chicken and at least one of these men is mentally unstable and easily swayed.


The best hope military families had was that Trump actually meant it about being isolationist. That was a hope I never shared in the slightest, but I could see why others had reason to believe it. 

We're now on the clock for the next move in this 3D chess game and our player is really ******* stupid but thinks he's a Grand Master.


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I am in no way a Greenwald fan and he always has a desire to blaming dems. I don't agree with that nor do I think this in any way impacts TrumpRussia where he thinks somehow it proves the election hacking findings wrong. I just have no penchant for war at all or for a media and press so enamored with a leader who decides to bomb. it took more guts for Obama to pull back from bombing Syria(remember he still planned on doing it despite congress not authorizing) than sending  a bombing order. Americans seem to think us bombing another country is not war and I feel even hesitate in referring to places where we have ground troops as in Iraq as war. it's like since it doesn't happen on our soil, we don't care.

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Did anyone read Dan Rather's very thoughtful Facebook post?  He talks about how "concerning" it is that members of the media are lauding Trump's actions in Syria.


I  didn't listen to Brian Williams' remarks but I heard that he "waxed poetic" about the missiles being launched. Just disgusting how the warmongers have shown themselves like beached whales washing up on shore, except I'd have far more feeling for the beached whales.

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