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Trump fans will dismiss this as 'fake news' but this was what I was referring to the other day when I mentioned how the so-called "Trump Bounce" had fizzled and there is a difference between the 'Consumer Confidence Index' which drives the stock market, and the actual economy. 


Little Sign of a ‘Trump Bump’ in the Economic Forecast


"Consumers are more confident. Stocks are up 5 percent since the start of the year. And from the president on down, there’s talk of a Trump bump.

The only problem: The boom is apparent everywhere except in the economic data."


This was exactly what I mentioned in a post the other day, when another poster tried to shut me down. 

The funny thing is that I saw this on a Japanese news broadcaster several days ago. The Asian markets can often be early indicators of what's to come. They have their own internal issues, of course, but there are definite global trends that apply regardless of where the actual financial market is located.

Economies are definitely more interconnected than ever before hence no market that operates on a global scale can be insulated from what happens in other financial market. The markets are interdependent and have been for about two decades now.



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TrumPutins are going to have fun today because Putin says the election meddling is fictional and they'll have to process that the operation went further than DNC hacking.


At least the State Dept. isn't pretending to care about human rights: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/state-department-drops-human-rights-as-condition-for-fighter-jet-sale-to-bahrain/2017/03/29/6762d422-1abf-406e-aaff-fbc5a6a2e0ac_story.html?utm_term=.958b15fca73e#comments


Anyone taking Omarosa seriously didn't see how she actively sabotaged Kwame on The Apprentice. I didn't read this, I was amazed that someone thought she was worth this effort: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/omarosa-manigault-is-in-trumps-white-house-because-of-her-loyalty-but-what-is-she-doing-there/2017/03/29/9079294a-0387-11e7-ad5b-d22680e18d10_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_omarosa-750a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.ff2744dd503d


Paul Ryan is even more of a joke than I thought. He's still trying to spin for Nunes. It took them some time to come up with it's a "whistle blower-type person" which I guess is supposed to shield him from being the source of "fabricated" leaks. But telling media that Trump who claims not to apologize for anything was very apologetic to him for tweeting to watch Pirro because he thought she was going to deliver a monologue about Russia. Spinning faster than a salad spinner before adding Russian dressing.


They want the NCAA money so they just may get something done to placate because this has cost them in championship series revenue and the NBA All Star Game.


At least GE's CEO is standing up for climate change policy: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/trump-climate-change-immelt-236671


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Awww it's so sweet that Tom Cotton is trying to blame weak Obama for Russian hacking. Isn't it true that this is all his fault?


I thought all we learned was how stupid 62 million voters are but not to be outdone by the masses, there's Paul Ryan trying to hold onto Devin Nunes whose cover-up of the cover-up isn't going so well. Wouldn't it be just swell for them if Trump gets to abscond with millions in taxpayer dollars while they are made to suffer the consequences of their idiocy in standing by their man? Today Ted Yoho (R-Fla) hitched a ride on their buggy with his defense of Nunes on the grounds that Nunes (an elected official mind you) works for Trump because well... When questioned asked if he doesn't work for his constituents Yoho said he works for both. Hmmm I wonder if he thought that way last year...not really.


Try to catch a clip of Clinton Watts in the minute he explained to the SIC that the Russians are easily spreading fake news because there's a conspiracy theorist in the WH who they dupe into spreading it for them by buzzing all around his twitter.

On and North Carolina did put through a watered down bill on which the NCAA ought to call them out.


Jack of All Trades Jared Kushner's doesn't get this former employee's endorsement:


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Internet users raise funds to buy lawmakers' browsing histories in protest


but they may have to get in line behind him:


"Cards Against Humanity" creator wants to buy Congress's browser history



Also, former Texas congressman Steve Stockman was indicted on 28 charges of trying to steal money from charitable donations.  

By the way, he was also the same jerk who walked out of President Obama's 2014 State of the Union address.


Former congressman indicted on conspiracy charges

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Yeah, that's the one. I forgot he existed.



Did anyone hear about Mike Flynn requesting immunity in exchange for being interviewed by the FBI and Congress?  According to the Wall Street Journal his request is being met with silence so far. Maybe they've got a strong enough case that they feel they don't have to honor Flynn's request?

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