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Honestly I don't think that most people who voted for Trump ever gave a damn about any of that anyway, aside from anti-Semites. It's usually the left that gets distracted by that shiny object. Bernie and his supporters made it into a huge issue. I would be surprised if more than a handful of Trump voters went to the voting booth because he was going to "drain the swamp." It was about misogyny, about abortion, about becoming desensitized to his horrible behavior, about the constant media drumbeat that both candidates were as bad as each other, etc.

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Most thinking people know it's too soon but we're talking about Trump fans here, reasonable thinking and logic are merely alternative facts to them.


Something else to ponder:

According to Amy Siskind, 96% of key roles in the executive branch-the ones that need Senate confirmation- have gone unfilled while Trump and lackeys filled 400 lower tiered positions with cronies, uh, lobbyists.


The truth, although an inconvience for Trump and his cabal, always finds a way to emerge somehow.


Republican Congressman Falls Apart And Admits That Sick People Will Be Screwed On Trumpcare

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Ole' lying Trump had requested that Preet Bharara stay on in his position as NY State's Attorney General in November after the election, now in an abruptly announced purge of state's attorney's appointed by the Obama administration, Bharara received a notice requesting his resignation within 24 hours.


Well guess what was Mr. Bharara's response to that request?


US Attorney Preet Bharara doesn't plan to resign, will make President fire him



Sounding like a broken record but this is yet another reminder of who this person that some put in the WH actually is. Only thing is I would not put president and Trump in the same sentence. He's just the Orange guy who golfs in Florida every weekend.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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A statement from Preet Bharara.

The irony is that this wouldn't have been a big deal (new administrations replace appointees from previous administrations all the time) had it not been for the fact that the Orange dope made such a big show of inviting Bharara to Trump tower at the end of November to ask him to stay on as AG for SDNY. Perjurer General Sessions also asked Bharara to continue on at the end of last year.


On the shortlist to replace Bharara is said to be former attorney to one-time sexual misconduct plaintiff, Roger Ailes, Marc Mukasey. 


Bharara was said to be critical of Wall Street so I think this is yet another clear signal that Trump could care less about draining any swamp-he intends to fill it to overflow.


Speaking of things that were never true. 

Weren't we supposed to believe that the economy (rather than racist and sexist tropes) inspired many to vote for Trump?


Well, take a look at what some of his supporters are up to now....but but, the economy

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Trump supporters call for ‘liberal genocide’ and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally


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And then they dare to get upset at those few Evangelicals (or others of faith, for that matter, like the Mormons*) who actually stood up and said Trump was terrible. Hell no. 


*Well, some Mormons, anyway. Many in Utah wound up voting for Trump after all, although the numbers, I think, and certainly their level of support, was not the same as GOPers have gotten from them in the past. 

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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I still believe that. Just because he inspired and attracted white supremacist does not mean everyone who voted for him is a white supremacist or sexist. There are a hell of a lot of people who are ideologically opposed to the democratic platform no matter what. If you say that they were willing to overlook these dangerous elements because they cared more about other issues then I'll agree with you there.

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People are always happy to overlook things that don't affect them personally. Most Trump voters, I would imagine, simply don't care about Jews or anti-Semitism. These are also the voters who will show up again in 4 years when Trump likely isn't on the ticket and a "safer" Republican is. 

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All I can say at this point is, as a Black woman, I know that Black people cannot change racist attitudes. We tried. There has been some progress but for 2016, it's been pretty poor.

I'm done with trying to analyze people who are not in favor of my progress or safety. They don't care about me and at this point, I don't care about them.

I know it sounds harsh but that's the way I feel at this point.


What us the difference to overlooking and actively contributing to the tools to someone's demise? 


The other day, I watched a documentary called Birth of A Movement about one man's quest to stop the film Birth of A Nation (the D.W. Griffiths film) from airing in his city.

It was very eye opening, I realized that many of the racist ideas, stereotypes and tropes are embedded in American culture and the D.W. Griffith's film is where they became embedded into the public consciousness.


There's nothing I can do but I have decided to spend what energy I have at this point toward self-preservation. 


Today, alone there was so much that I read and saw that disgusted me personally and I am just beyond trying to humanize people who want to throw away my humanity.

No offense, but I give up with that.

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