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I also follow politics around the world and have been following the poltics in the Phillipines, especially their recent elections and the machinations of their recently elected president Rodrigo Duterte, whose election promise to kill 100,000 drug dealers without due process, I already found disturbing but this former Hit Man's account is downright chilling!


Rodrigo Duterte Ordered Philippine Killings, Professed Hit Man Testifies


By the way, this is the man who referred to President Obama as a 'son of a whore' and claimed that he would say it to POTUS' face if they should meet and Obama would challenge him on extra-judicial killings.  Duterte then went on to almost offer a quasi-apology before restating this demand that the U.S. not challenge him on the so-called extra-judicial killings taking place in the Phillipines.

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I don't think either will have a solid win. My only consolation at this point is that the Clintons have been up against the wall before and they both work so much better when that happens.


But I am tuning out also. I can't bear listening to the coddling and embracing of Trump at his press conference where he blames Hillary Clinton for starting the movement and then takes credit for proving Obama legit. BEcause that's all I expect to see yet the press will fawn all over him without seeing the damage all this is going to our country. Other than real Americans(like the Kahn's, the Flint Pastor, real people) does anyone in the press, the media, in our political hierarchy give a damn about this country. It seems know and to think someone like Donald Trump has convinced people he's a representative of the little man, sickens me. But I am now convinced that there is a whole lot more racism and bigotry in this country than ever before. Unless we get some leaders who will stand up and say it, I pray for the future of America.


I'm trying to have faith in our voters but it gets harder every day. People get so beaten down by this it quells their enthusiasm.

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I read something in the paper today about some economists praising his plan at some special meeting with Wall Street. Is this really happening? Are people really on board with him. I read an article a few weeks ago that Michael Moore posted:

5 Reasons Trump Will Win

I really do think that this could be a possibility. I feel like people may just spite vote in the end just like the Brexit people earlier this year.

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Sadly, from my own personal experience, that racism and bigotry has been this bad since I can remember, the only difference is with social media and better and more rapid communications, these instances are laid bare into the often a lot more frequently than they used to be. What was once a local tragedy/situation, where reporting was confined to local areas, now can be reported on a nationwide scale.


I do agree that to preserve our own mental health, tuning out of the craziness of this election cycle for periods of time is necessary. I've done it for weeks at a time and perhaps until the debates start, I may go on 'Election Hiatus'. 

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It's troubling.  We have neighbors that for years have voted Republican and proudly wear "Duck Dynasty" tshirts and hats.  They've always been supportive of me and my husband, even having the neighborhood over for a couple of our anniversaries.  I've managed to look beyond it for that reason, but I've often felt that their support for right wing extremists is a betrayal.


I can no longer tolerate it.  I've distanced myself from them over the course of the last several months because of their support for Trump.  I simply can't, and won't, be friends or associate with people that support such a vile human being.  And sadly, this includes family members.


I am genuinely scared of what may come in November.


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The polls will tighten because that's what they do, helped this year by a bored press that decided reporting on Trump was old news and they had to spice the race up by hammering their most hated candidate. But as an article pointed out the other day, Trump's gains are built on sand - Hillary still leads him, and he still hasn't made it even to where Romney was this time in '12. The Obama/Romney race tightened after the first debate, but by November it was not a question to me. Obama put him away before midnight. I do think we have this. I think this is a bad moment, but campaigns are full of those. The worm is always about to turn again.


Case in point: Trump's latest fiasco, his press conference/hotel tour where he hoodwinked the press into listening to testimonials from vets at his new hotel before popping up to quickly dismiss birtherism in 4 seconds, then shut them out with no questions despite promising a press conference and 'major announcement' - and then proceeded to try to give a tour of the hotel. If there's one thing the press can't stand it is an insult to them. They are livid, ranting about it live, and have begun destroying all their footage of Trump's new hotel as retaliation for his antics.

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Trump is (allegedly) livid about today's disastrous event, livid that the press destroyed footage and is blaming Conway for 'making' him do anything at all. CNN backs this up.


Now he's trying to send surrogates out to cry censorship because the press destroyed his precious hotel footage. (Free hotel promotion is how his campaign convinced him to do this.)

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