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It's not that she is paid it is who is paying her.   These same firms that pay her are the very same people who get picked to be Treasury Secretaries and write self serving policies that only make their firms larger.   The consolidation of wealth is a troubling thing and Bernie is the only one addressing it.   What's sad is the very people who need Bernie most, the poor southerners who need free medicine, education and everything else, would never vote for him.    They always vote against their own interests.

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I feel like this has become a liberal dog whistle. I'm supposed to punish Hillary for knowing her value and setting her price. I suspect a lot of people who say this would be shocked to learn what some people charge to speak. The irony is that after this is all over Bernie will be able to charge a lot to speak too.


I was glad when Bernie entered the race. I liked seeing Hillary pushed to the left and I was happy that he was going to keep the issue of income inequality front and center. But let's be clear, Bernie is not the ONLY one addressing it. Both Clinton and O'Malley have spoken at length about income inequality. The topic is Bernie's bread and butter but he's not the only one talking about it. But his reaction to Planned Parenthood is a good example of why I don't want him in the White House. 


Bottom line is I don't think that Bernie would make a very good President both for reasons of temperament and objective reality. It's not like the opposition Obama's gotten will suddenly vanish if Bernie wins. He's an old Jewish "socialist." It's not like the GOP will suddenly decide to work with him just because he's white. For him to get anything accomplished, he'd not only have to win but we'd have to decisively swing both houses of Congress. That's not going to happen. Hillary knows where some bodies are buried and she could get some [!@#$%^&*] accomplished plus...yes I'mma say it: Having Bill back in the White House would be good. If not for politics, at least for pop culture. :lol:


This piece does a good job of demonstrating why I prefer Clinton to Sanders.

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To the public, yes. To the media, not so much. Even old media favorite Guiliani didn't get that type of deluded gushiness for a similar failed campaign strategy. He was supposed to be the one - they spent 6 years trying to make him the one - and that he is tanking against the likes of Trump and Rubio just reminds them how powerless they truly have become.

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If Bernie wins the Democratic nomination chances are I won't vote or I vote for Trump or Rubio (assuming one of those two gets the Republican nomination). Trump because I agree with his views on immigration and I'm sick of the Democratic party bowing down just to get votes rather than fix the problem. Rubio because he's actually someone who would handle foreign policy pretty well I think. 


I cant vote for a Bush and I doubt Kasich is going to make it all the way. If Cruz becomes President God help us all. 


Praying Hillary squeaks by in Iowa but I'm starting to think that's not going to happen. The Media wants her to lose so badly and is doing everything it can to make it that way. I hate that Iowa and NH are the first two contests. They dont deserve this attention or credibility. They are not representative of the Democratic party as a whole

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More of the bizarre "Marco is doing well because he's going to lose various states and yet is hanging on anyway...look at that enthusiasm!" media spin. I guess they will never let him go, especially given the alternatives. I think my favorite part is their claiming this is what he wanted all along. Yes, of course he wanted to be losing in every state.



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The media has always loved to attack the Clintons.   I guess there is just something so interesting about them that the media can't stay away.    Trumps views on immigration are unamerican.   We will not accept immigrants now based on religion?   The federal gov't is supposed to be blind to religion, and while it is their religion today it might be your religion tomorrow.   Rubio has no chance of winning, I don't think he ever did.   I'd vote for Bernie but I honestly don't see the country voting someone jewish into the white house.   Hillary is the best bet even with her cushy Wall St pals, it is just a shame she is a terrible candidate with little charisma.  

Edited by quartermainefan
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