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I think you're right Q. When it comes to Israel, I find myself forced to agree with the Fox news ilk and that's something I rarely do. Part of the problem is that the typical American has almost no knowledge of the history of the middle east. They seem to think that Israel is just randomly "occupying Palestine" without any knowledge of the Six Day War.

It's a very good thing Israel has nukes or they would be screwed.

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You can't blame America because islamist extremists are all insane. When they started telling christians convert or die I think we can say that is a real war on christianity. Only one person then has the moral authority to say there is a cancer in modern islam, and the Pope should have gone on worldwide TV and told all christians to get out of Iraq and that Islam is attacking christianity. The shoe would be on the other foot for once with this neverending islamic need to feel insulted, and maybe what these islamic whack jobs need is a billion or two people seeing them as the enemy for once.

They want to blow up their own monuments? Let then have a party. It's tough to feel sorry for these countries at this point because whenever they get a chance to elect someone democratically, they choose to elect religious zealots anyway. And now there is word of growing Taliban in Afghanistan. They had ten years to cast off their ridiculous religious ways and come to the conclusion that religion has no place in government, but they disagree and kept those dumb burkas that breed taliban extremist thinking. Well, after decades of Saddam Iraq finally found religion I guess.

Edited by quartermainefan
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Before America invaded Iraq in 2003, there were no Al-Qaeda or ISIS in the country.

The wahhabi/salafi groups are not only attacking christians but also shia-muslims, even sunni-muslims that don't share their extreme views. Most of these wahhabi/salafi groups were created by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two of Americas allies in the region. Here in Europe, many of the mosques are built by Saudi money. The Imams brainwash young men to go to Syria for jihad, where they spread death, chaos and destruction.

America, Nato and EU are very much to blame for what's going on. They fight terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, then they call them rebels and support them in Libya and Syria.

I don't think western democracy work in these countries, at the same time we can not let these salafi groups get into power. They want to exterminate all shias, they force christians to convert, leave or die. Many of the the christians in the middle east, that is those few that are left, are ethnic assyrians. They have lived in parts of Iraq and Syria before the arabs even left the Arab Peninsula. Personally, I think the west should support secular leaders like Assad in Syria and Abdullah in Jordan, even if they aren't "western democracies".

The west must also stop supporting Israel and cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, or these conflicts and wars will never end.

There have always been a plan to tear Iraq and Syria into several small and weak states that fight with each other, that way, no arab nation can stand against Israel as they occupy more land. It's all part of the "Greater-Israel" plan.

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You sound like you subscribe to Protocols Of Zion Monthly.

As we saw these past few weeks, antisemitism is alive and well in Europe, including calls to send jews to gas chambers. It is very interesting that thousands die every day in all these countries and there are not riots in the streets. As soon as Israel has an incident Europe comes alive with protests. America should stop supporting Israel? Lets remember what happened in the 1940s that led to Israel being created in the first place. When your neighbors want to round up and kill jews where should the jews run to? France? Germany? Maybe if there had been an Israel in 1933-1939 a lot of people would have survived that were otherwise slaughtered by Europeans. I don't know what country in Europe you are in, but Europeans are the last people to be taken seriously when the subject is Israel. Maybe if they weren't attacking Jewish shops in Paris last week simply because they were owned by Jews the views of Europe wouldn't be so laughably transparent. As it stands now your theories of Jewish conspiracies just sounds like the same old song that has been sung since 1933.

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The riots were causes by muslim immigrants, not europeans. The few times europeans have been involved in riots like these, it's always left-wing extremists. But they are a small number.

There are plenty of protests in Europe against the islamic extremists too, just a while ago there were protests in Denmark against a new Saudi-mosque, but maybe your american media don't report about those cases since they only seem to care about Europe when they can find something "anti-semetic".

Yes, why not?

How about America? Since most americans seem to care more about the jews and Israel than their own country, that should be the perfect place for them to go.

Propaganda 101 to justify the current slaughtger of palestinians.

Again, these were muslim immigrants, not europeans.

What in my post was a conspiracy?

Also, why did you ignore everthing else in my post? Do you think it's right to fight terrorists in one country and then support and arm them in another? Do you want America to continue with their close relations with Saudi Arabia, the biggest sponsor of terrorism?

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The residents of Gaza are hiding Hamas and deserve everything that comes their way. If they were so concerned about themselves and the civilian lives they'd immediately surrender the leaders of Hamas and actually assist Israel. In my opinion this entire war lies squarely on Hamas/Gaza.

MSNBC is barely trying to contain its pro-Gaza/Hamas view point. And their correspondent who's in Gaza is so blatantly pro Palestine it's not even funny. Aymen Mohedian (I know I have the wrong spelling but I'm writing off the top of my head).

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Hillary Clinton bravely criticizes President Obama for waiting to long to respond to the crisis in Iraq, and the ruthless David Axelrod takes a cheap pot shot:


I am convinced that if Hillary ever does become president, the left will be deeply disaffected after four years, virtually guaranteeing the GOP of the presidency in 2020. Given that many in the MSNBC wing of the party are angry at the president for engaging in any military intervention at all and are angry at him for not being liberal enough on domestic policy, I can't imagine the outrage that will be expressed at four years of another center-left Clinton Presidency.

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They're going to hug it out now, and many Democratic partisans are pretending that everything is hunky dory. I guess she got the memo that criticism of the president (unless its criticism for not being liberal enough) isn't permitted. Despite the fact that her criticisms were valid, I am surprised that someone as supposedly politically savvy as she managed to again piss off the base the way she did back in 2008.

Between "dead broke," the rape tape, floundering book sales, and this incident, the whole campaign rollout of hers has been nothing but a disaster thus far.


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I think Hillary must feel that Obama's foreign policy achievements will be deemed iffy at best and she wants room to say she is not him. Yes, he got Bin Laden, but after than his achievements are few. That's not to say she could have gotten much more but there is no way to prove he couldn't. He's probably pissed but Hillary and Bill are probably the only two democrats who don't need Obama's approval to say what they want to say for their own goals. I am sure Hillary weighed the pros and cons of her statements and decided it was time to break away from Obama and his perceived sinking ship.

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