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I would rather have Al as a spokesman for the DP than who the GOP have for their party. Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, everyone else at FN, Savage, Ingraham....the list goes on, and all they do is wallow in lies and bigotry just to make a buck.

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Another media darling, Ben Carson, often breathlessly hyped earlier this year as a surefire Presidential nominee, spews hate. Get the media some smelling salt, they eat this stuff up.



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I just don't know what to say....

He actually compared Obamacare to slavery??!!

You know, sometimes it feels wrong of me to even comment in this thread because I live in another country with a completely different political climate. Here someone like Ben Carson wouldn't stand a chance to get elected to any kind of political office.

(Not to mention that I am myself probably much further to the left, politically speaking, than any US politician)

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As far as I'm concerned you have every right to comment on this zoo we are calling Congress. This is what happens when Americans vote for people based on bigotry, and how we get clowns like this because of laziness in not voting ever election cycle. Not to mention the God-awful cable news we have here.

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Now this is something the democrats will be kicking themselves for for 20 yeas. They ignored the state level races and even the lower level races and ceded so many statehouses and legislatures to the republicans. Gerrymandering isn't right but both parties do it, and there is no one to tell them no. At this point in manu of these states there is no more democratic party to speak of, with supermajorities of republicans sometimes in both houses. This is I think what will be one of main chapters of political textbooks 100 years from now. The story of these years is not Obama meeting the most insane congress ever, but how the congress was rigged to produce the most insane congress ever.

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If you needed any reminder of just how out of touch and silly the Beltway is, here they are having a hissy fit because of inappropriate wordage.


Helpful advice from a far right Congressman - get a loan.


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Chuck Todd, a flaming bag of sycophancy, is shocked and horrified at the "heated rhetoric" of Democrats. This is the new talking point - Democrats are meeeeeean to Republicans...mean!

I have never understood how Republicans are gushed over by the media as both kick-ass "stronger fathers" and perpetual victims.

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That is what they get from their corporate masters. They have on-air talent on MSNBC who waste time making this current crap into a Dem/GOP problem equally. Hopefully the country has woken up to their BS and sees which party got us into this mess.

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I honestly want us to default. I know it would be catastrophic but desperate times call for desperate measures.

If these idiot racist country republicans want to hate President Obama and cause this train to go off the rails then I say let them feel the pain....big time. And hopefully they're butts are thrown out of office next year in the 2014 elections. Short of a complete meltdown, I don't see what else will get ignorant people and the so called "independents" to WAKE UP and realize his utterly unreasonable the Republican Party has become

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The people that are most pushing for this won't feel the pain.

The people who are struggling the most and have no backups will feel this. That's why I'm so frightened about this. I'm frightened because once we cross that line, we are going to get 24/7 media blasting and far right blasting that this isn't a big deal, who cares, why is anyone upset? And default will become the new normal.

Even worse, because of gerrymandering, Republicans will still control the House, and with money and media power, they might take the Senate too.

They get all the reward and the public get all the hurt.

Edited by DRW50
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But like you said people will get hurt. These Tea Party secretly ignorant racist congressmen will have people in their own districts who will finally be hurt by their own actions.

Maybe I'nm naive about this but I think there's a chance that some of these people willf finally see the light and realize just how ridiculous their position is....

I'm interested to see if immigration reform is now tackled or if it will just sidelined again.....I think John Boehner is exhausted and just defeated. But a part of him has to realize that he has the option to go out and leave a big mark on history....IF he works with the Preisdent and Nancy Pelosi to pass a grand bargain and comprehensive immigration reform.

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