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Todd Akin phrased it in an offensive way but he is really just adequately describing the GOP platform for 2012. No exception for rape, incest, or even the life of the mother. Just a brutal platform. Now realistically, would Romney/Ryan be able to overturn Roe V. Wade? No. Do I think they actually even want to? No. But it's in their platform and it is fair game.

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If Akin had been somewhere like Oklahoma, which is safely Republican, they wouldn't have asked him to drop out. They only reason they want him out is because McCaskill can defeat him, as Missouri does have some suburban voters that would drop Akin very easily. He was hands down the weakest candidate they could have put up. McCaskill spent money on ads calling him too conservatives, so that the ultra-conservatives would go and out vote for him in the primary. She wanted to run against him.

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I don't even know if it's about that. Akin can still probably win. It's because he has a position which throws a huge spotlight onto their platform as well as the views of Paul Ryan. This also fits into an overriding theme ('war on women') they thought they'd gotten past.

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He can't win, Carl. The way Missouri is... if Kansas City and St. Louis are truly motivated, then it cancels out nearly the rest of the state, and those people are far more likely to vote for Claire. Claire DOES have to overcome all the staggering losses she will have through the Ozarks, and in Springfield and Cape Girardeau. But this scandal has mobilized the women voters, and I'm sure she will win. The rural Ozark counties are SCARY conservative, when they gay marriage ban was up for a vote, those counties voted for it in percentages of well over 90%! I'm in a border county, between Kansas city and the "deep" part of the Ozarks, and here it was around 60 percent. In Kansas City and St. Louis, the ban went down in defeat, 45-55.

Edited by alphanguy74
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That I think he knows is a waste of time. Polls show he enjoys roughly 0% support in the polls from this demo. It's a waste of time electorally speaking.

Anyway, I love Bill Mahar. He always speaks so honestly the common sense things the mainstream press refuse to say

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A woman's right to control her body and reproduction has nothing to do with adoption. To say a woman who decides to have an abortion for any reason, is not logical, is emotional, and lack fortitude is insulting and degrading to women, period. Besides adoption is straw man argument thrown up by anti-choice people when the truth is that they love the fetus, but have absolutely no use for the child. Look at Rick Scott, the Florida Republican governor, rejecting $4.9 million federal money to continue a program to support the parenting of children in at risk home.

The Washington Post has a great article on the history of the definition of rape. Of course, it is all about primarily white men controlling the bodies of girls and women, especially if they were black: http://www.washingto...ry.html?hpid=z2

Romeny/Ryan could make it easier for states led by Republican administration to crush women's reproductive rights by defending Planned Parenthood and eliminating access to abortion clinics. Right now the Obama Administration and the federal courts are the only thing protecting women's rights in Texas and Mississippi. If these states succeed, other Republican led states will follow.

Edited by Ann_SS
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"The Republican Party needs to re-establish its philosophy of the big tent with principles. The philosophy you hear from time to time, which is unfortunate, is one of exclusion rather than inclusion. You have to be expanding the base, expanding the party, because compared to the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is a minority party."

-- Former Vice President Dan Quayle, quoted by the New York Times.

...Well I do believe Hell has just frozen over here, folks.

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Edited because I misunderstood the convention story.

Courtesy of Political Wire:

Here are the highlights of the Republican convention schedule:

Monday: RNC Chair Reince Priebus gavels in the convention at 2:00 pm ET. No speakers planned.

Tuesday: Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, Former Rep. Artur Davis, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Ann Romney, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with the keynote address.

Wednesday: Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee, Condoleeza Rice, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and Rep. Paul Ryan.

Thursday: Sen. Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney.

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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So, with all the outrage over Melissa Reeves' support of Chick-fil-A and that corporation's alleged support of murdering gays and lesbians, how do you all feel about Samual L. Jackson's twitter comments wondering why Republican's were spared by the wrath of Isaac... and Ellen Barkin's hopes that the hurricane kills "every pro-life, xenophobic, gay-bashing SOB" at the RNC?

Do you think the response to Jackson's and Barkin's comments will spark the same outrage, at least here at SON, that Reeves' comments did?

Edited by GoldenDogs
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They'll get the same response from me. I didn't care about Melissa Reeves and I don't care about these. You know why? Because its [!@#$%^&*] TWITTER and I'm not at 14 year old girl. (Although, it's never a good idea to openly wish for the death of people. Privately, fine but saying it out loud is a bad PR move.)

But for the record, when your only argument about something is the "Well what about...?!?" false equivalence tango, you are arguing from a position of weakness. There is no rule that says if you're offended by A then therefore you simply must be offended by B.

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