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Romney has been losing support over the summer from groups he had decent support with. He's lost traction with white males. This selectIon while understandable to an extent, is going to lose him support from seniors. The media loving Ryan(they love anyone who is controversial) isn't going to help them once they get organizations like AARP against them.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Picking Ryan was a dream come true for the democrats because unlike so many hacks Ryan at least puts some ideas out--ideas to be destroyed and him along with it. Romney can duck every issue and say he is severely conservative and shoots varmints, but Ryan has talked actual specifics in the past. He won't be able to dodge like Palin and blame everything on the lamestream media.

Romney was ill served by his competitors this spring. Amateurs, religious lunatics, whack jobs and book peddlers are not going to prepare you for a real campaign. He doesn't have any response on this whole tax return issue and now he is bringing on a VP whose claim to fame is he wants to lower taxes on the rich! Newt said it best, "right wing social engineering" and I am sure we will be hearing that phrase more than once this fall.

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I think it is an intersting pick. It is risky, but of course, Romney was bullied into doing it. Ryan is a smart man. his budget presents a contrast to Obama. I don't like the Ryan budget, but he is intellectually honest. Romney is not intellectually honest and the question is will the contrast be between the Democratic and Republican tickets or between the issue commitment between the top and bottom of the Republican ticket.

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I'm not going to say how any one voting block will vote. And, IMPO, if anyone thinks they know the electorate of this country I feel they may be making a mistake. The same way the CNM thinks they know how everyone will vote. They follow polls that mean nothing and then, when they are embarrassed this November 6th, they will blame everything else but themselves.

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I don't think Ryan is the most beneficial pick (that would have been Rubio), but he is an honest man of substance who will at least get the base excited for Romney. People are saying this is a risky pick, but it really isn't, when you consider the fact that Romney is heavily favored to lose regardless of who his VP was. Unless something drastically changes in the next 85 days or so, Romney will only win 206 electoral votes: those from NC, IN, and the 22 McCain states. Even before choosing Ryan, Romney was poised to lose FL (as the vast majority of polls have shown). Thus, Ryan cannot be blamed if Romney loses FL and/or the election.

Honestly, aside from Rubio or Rice (neither of whom wanted the job), I think that the other contenders may have been worse than Ryan:

Tim Pawlenty: The worst choice of all, IMO. A total zero at campaigning and debating, and he excites absolutely no one. A Romney/Pawlenty ticket would have fizzled into obscurity.

Rob Portman: Better than Pawlenty (because he might have helped in OH and apparently is a good debater), but still excites no one. Plus, Dems would be attacking his Bush connections with the same zeal they are attacking the Ryan plan. (I also doubt he'd help much in OH, because about 60% of state residents don't even know who he is.)

Bobby Jindal: While he may have excited the base, he fizzled terribly the one time he was on the national stage (responding to BHO's 2009 State of the Union Address).

Bob McDonnell: While he would have helped in VA, his very conservative stance on social issues (especially abortion) would widen the gender gap even more.

Chris Christie: Many feel he would have been a great choice, but I strongly disagree. His ego is way too large to play second fiddle, and there's no way he could stay on message. Instead, he would upstage Romney at every opportunity in preparation for his 2016 presidential campaign.

Though it's a given that those who despise Romney will despise Ryan as well, his selection certainly disproves the steadfast belief held by some that the GOP is all about persecuting gays. If that was true, then why didn't Mitt select Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Don Cathy, or Missy Reeves instead?

I've decided to share some analysis regarding the Ryan selection. This insight doesn't come from some biased outfit like Talking Points Memo, but rather from one of the most respected and objective men in the business: Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia (and his "Crystal Ball"). Sabato's track record at predicting election results is stellar, so his words carry a lot of significance:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EYksQa2nv9c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by Max
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That's very tragic news about Lee Hamilton's wife. Like his fellow co-chair on the 9/11 Committee--Republican Tom Kean (whom I consider to be the best NJ governor in the modern era)--Hamilton is a centerist who has always commanded lots of bi-partisan respect.

In other political tragedies, George McGovern's son recently died. Sadly, I have read that both he and his friend Bob Dole are in failing health. Whatever you think of these mens' politics, both men were war heroes who also served their country most admirably in Congress. Because of their integrity, neither deserved to be subjected to the ruthless personal attacks and humiliation they experienced during their presidential runs.

Edited by Max
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