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AMC: SOD Spoilers


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Credit goes to Betty at Soapcentral for posting these spoilers:

An AMC setside sourse says that Colin E.'s Josh, & his black sheep alter-ego, will return.

AMC's loss is GL's gain - Jeff Branson's Shayne will have explosive s/l's.

A minister refuses to baptize Gabrielle because she has two mommies. Erica intervenes, & a substitute minister is found. While Erica is supportive, Reese's parents are not.

On Dec. 18, Erica phones Zach w/ the news that Myrtle has passed away; the entire 12/19 episode is a tribute to her. Erica, Zach, Opal, & Bianca all receive a gift from Myrtle, & there are flashbacks. The town gathers for a memorial service at the rebuilt casino.

Actress Eileen Herlie passed away in Oct.

Angie's emotions get the best of her...Aidan warns Zach that Annie could cause his undoing...Bianca will reach out to Reese's parents...Krystal turns to David for comfort...Erica clashes w/ Greens at Fusion...

Rebecca Budig threw a bridal shower for castmate Alicia Minshew.

Aiden Turner enjoyed taping the tornado scenes.

A viewer is upset that Amanda Baker was fired just as viewers were warming up to Babe, & thinks that if tptb wanted to fire the actress, Babe should at least been in a coma so that the character could eventually return...a viewer hates David's return, & how he's singing the same song - blaming the Chandlers for Babe's death, which a tornado actually caused. A viewer can't believe that Bianca asked Zach to father her child w/o consulting Kendall, & hopes that when Kendall wakes up, she kicks Bianca back to Paris

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:lol: I didn't even think about that and you're right!

Lots of good stuff. Go Mother of One of Gabrielle's Mothers!

It tickles me that KWAK has a thing for David while married to Tad.

Erica and Greenlee at Fusion is a dream of mine come true. Before Kendall came back to PV, I so, so wanted Greenlee to be Erica's protege...and, imo she should have been. But I do love Kendall, too...just always liked Greenlee better as a business woman. *runs*

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Hmmm... an entire ep dedicated to Myrtle? I'm wishin' and hopin' and prayin' but can't help but think that they'll sneak some Ryan/Annie/Greenlee in there some way some how. But maybe they really have learned from Phoebe's memorial ep.

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Well of course Erica saves the day. I don't buy that she'd be this gung ho over Bianca marrying a woman. ALL and I mean ALL of Bianca's relationships in the past Erica hasn't supported, and suddenly she supports this one while barely knowing Reese?

Yeah don't buy it.

The Myrtle stuff is gonna be heartbreaking, got my tissues ready. Yeah she'd love that it's at the casino. I always remembered when she'd go there and gamble, and Zach would tease her about breaking the bank LOL

Yay Josh is back! I do fear that Pratt will hack Josh even more than he did.

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This is about her Granddaughter NOT Reese not about Bianca and Reese getting married. It's about Gaby being blessed by God. Why wouldn't Erica want that for her Granddaughter????????????

Erica's not all gungho but of course she wants her to be happy and do you really think she would stand by and let homophobes mistreat her daughter and Grandaughter? On what Planet would she allow that?

As for Josh betcha anything he'll be David's pawn in taking down the Martin Fam. Maybe it will FINALLY be revealed that Josh isn't Erica's kid or at least that he isn't Erica&Jeff's Fetus.

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I really hope that Pratt is smart enough to finally write this one last wrong of Megan's. It''s so simple to say that the whole thing was a con (Greg was still alive when the first DNA test was done), and Josh just found out. CE and Josh can stay. He's come a long way as an actor. But the only way I could ever want him back if it's to tell Erica that he's not her unabortion after all.

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Agreed. Josh should never have existed. The show should've learned from Trey Kenyon.

If Pratt does nothing else he should correct that colossal mistake and wipe Josh off the face of the earth. He's not Erica's kid and he's not Jeff's kid. He's just some kid Greg Madden purchased in a Thai brothel when on a vacation for "discreet gentlemen." Madden fed him a constant diet of psychotropic drugs and lies about Erica Kane until...voila...Josh became Erica's son.

Bring back Egglesfield. Write him a boffo exit story for sweeps where he has a big breakdown and we learn the truth, maybe even see see flashbacks. They could bring back Ian Buchanan and John James for a few scenes. Then have Josh die either through suicide or another on screen method. Make it good so that we can rest assured that Josh Madden will never see the light of day again. Then move on and act like he never existed.

Actually for shits and giggles I would bring back Michael B. Jordan's Reggie for just one day:

Erica: You know that no matter what happens between Jack and me, I will always think of you as my son.

The camera pans and we see Reggie: I know...Mom.

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