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Y&R: Week of November 3, 2008

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I haven't sat down to watch Y&R live in weeks and I didn't regret doing so. As I said before, I loved the dynamic between Ashley and Nikki, it was wonderful to see Nikki's desperation and efforts to convince Ashley to help Victor. Ashley being so hesitant about it made sense. Sharon Case has been beyond fantastic lately. There is much tighter focus and I think it's all due to Paul Rauch. The Kay/Marge scenes were incredibly well done and it's obviously the work of a producer who at least knows what he's doing. Loved Jill calling Billy and Cane over and talking to them about Kay. Wonderful how Esther overheard them and told Kay straight away, she still has her back. :wub: And was that what I called the "Billy and Mac Theme" that they played while Ashley was contemplating going to France? Finally, she remembered how Victor was there for her when she needed him, and she couldn't stay away. That's character drama, and I loved every moment of it.

By the way, tomorrow's full of

so I'm assuming all the "info" above is from tomorrow's Canada episode. God, this whole day ahead thing is getting so confusing.

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The Baldwin/Fisher clan could have been such a GREAT addition, but all the over-exposure and holier-than-thou rubbish that each regime contributed to, made this family tank quick. They could still be saved, but that begins and ends with the writers.

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Gloria became overexposed. Michael is nothing more than a prop to other characters at this point. LML turned him into a supporting player and Maria Bell continues. Even this so called Michael story of finding his father is turning into yet another Gloria story. Lauren essentially is a stay at home mom who is used only to prop Michael and his family. If you just started watching a couple years ago you would never know she was a CEO of a chain of department stores or is connected in some way with almost every character on the canvas.

Christian and Tracey are fantastic actors but they haven't had their own story in years. Still this family hasn't quite tanked. They just need to center the family on Michael and not Gloria and Gloria should be more supporting.

By the way, who isn't holier than thou on this show?

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Michael was ALWAYS a supporting character, the only time he was lead was in 2004-2005, thanks to Jack F. Smith. Other than that, I don't recall any other time where Michael was leading story after story. Michael should've stayed in the capacity he was in pre-2003, the worst thing they did was build a family around that character.

There is no way they can save Gloria for me, that character is just passed redemption. I haven't understood Kevin's purpose on this show since 2004 or so, and why he wasn't sent to a nut-house then is beyond me. Lowell and Eden are new, but so far, they annoy a good enough amount of people.

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Gloria is past the point of redemption for me. and I have to be honest, I did strongly prefer Joan Van Ark in the role.

Kevin is POINTLESS now, he ambles in and out of the other "younger" storylines. He is completely unneeded due to the strong younger male actors/characters on the show now... Adam and Billy especially.. Adam has the villian side.. Bily is sarcastic and funny, and Cane is the good guy and eyecandy...

I would think if any Baldwin goes first, it would be Kevin

Michael is played by an extremely fine actor-CL- and the lawyer aspect works with other storylines.... blah blah blah..

I don't know. The Baldwins are just an unlikeable clan... I want Tracey with someone else! :)

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I'm here! Yes Eileen Davidson is looking great, let's get down to business.

I see 2 treatments going on with the divine Ms Eileen,

1-Conservative Botox

2-Conservative Fillers (Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse, Juvederm etc)

She's done both, I can see it. She's done Botox between her brows and around her eyes. The squint of yesteryear has been reduced, not obliterated. That's the key, it's been conservatively done, she still has movement, just not harsh movement. When it comes to fillers the nose to mouth line and marionette lines have been done. I also think the hollow beneath her eyes have been done. From the flashback between Victor and Ashley it's evident that her face is fuller. Again, it's elegant, not extreme. She also, very very wisely, didn't touch her lips! She looks fabulous.

I think it also helps that she has had some time off, gotten in better shape, is perhaps happy to be home at Y&R after a year in the B&B wilderness. That said, Eileen's mini makeover started at B&B. I'm certain Eileen, Lesley Anne Down and Katherine Kelly Lang were trading injection tips in the makeup room.

Her hair is longer and wavy, which helps, the makeup is light and tawny, that helps too.

Eileen is going to be 50 next year. She waited a lot longer than most actresses when it comes to seeking a bit of dermatological intervention. She's going to a pro, whoever it is (Dr. Frank Ryan perhaps? He does Marcia Cross's Botox and doesn't she look great).

Oh and just to say a big WORD to Y&RWorldTurner's comment that Michael Baldwin was ALWAYS a supporting player and that's how he should have stayed. You bet! Making him a 'leading man' was a bad idea.

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Just read that Kate Linder(Esther) recently turned 61!

She looks great.Maybe slips under the radar because Esther/Kate is not a glamor girl.

The flashbacks shown last week were from 1990 and Esther has hardly aged.

Any comments,Daytime Fan?

As regards the Baldwins,i am finding CLB's acting a little mannered.

The story is not grabbing me and Lauren as supportive wife is a waste of her talents.

Y&R has to come up with better stuff apart from the Victor & Katherine stories.

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Eileen is a perfect example of why women should wait until they actually start to age before going for intervention. So many women in Hollywood start too young and by the time they are 40 look like pulled and stretched pieces of plastic with a constantly surprised look.

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OT, but I think Marcia Cross's forehead is approaching Nicole Kidman Granny-Freeze territory.

If this Dr. Ryan is doing work on Eileen Davidson, though? He needs to blow up some screen caps from yesterday's Y&R episode and hire a billboard over Sunset Boulevard. ED has never looked more beautiful -- more naturally beautiful -- in her life. 50? OMG, you are kidding me. I must agree that I noticed ED's glow when she joined B&B -- and that's what it seemed like. A well-rested, happy glow after the hell of LML.

LMAO at the visual of ED, LAD and KKL having an impromptu surgical tupperware party in the makeup room. What, no HT?

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