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Y&R: Week of November 3, 2008

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First off Becki, you really don't know your Y & R and "Nick" and Sharon history (must be because your jump last year from PHICK fan to SHICK fan), Sharon and Noah went to Paris in 2006, April 20th to be exact, and Sharon returned to the outhouse from Paris on April 26th, after dropping Noah off at Sam's, where else would he go.

The "Nick" and Sharon scenes are the cheesiest and worst acted scenes I have seen in my 45 years of soap opera watching!!! and I have seen some really cheesy soap operas in my time!!!! Sharon Case needs to tone it down about 10 levels, if the bobble head thing does not make you nauseous, the hair slinging will, and the giggle....sorry but SC can not pull off a giggle any better then Sharon Collins Newman Abbott can pull of being pure and innocent!!! and Joshua looks bored and totally looks like he is phoning in his scenes!!!!! being re-paired with SC has dumped him back to 4 years ago...old habits must really be hard to break!!! guess I now know who Nelson was talking about in his recent blind item!!!

Michelle is kicking it in Paris!!!! she looks like a runway model and I can only say the coming weeks will definitely be Emmy reel material again for the 2 time Emmy winner!!!! No wonder everyone wants to work with her and why JM has said over and over again that she makes him bring his "A" game!!!!

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"A: Game? I like Josh Morrow but he is and has always been a limited actor no matter who he is paired with. At times, he can elevate his acting but too often it is just average. Whose acting I think has been seriously effected by this Phick pairing has been Michelle's from her pod Phyllis days to her Stepford wife Phyllis. Michelle and Josh have dynamite sexual chemistry but her dramatic scenes with Josh pale in comparison to her scenes with better actors such as Peter Bergman pr even Christian Le Blanc. Think of her most emotional scenes over the past two years and they have been played opposite either Peter or Christian the bulk of the time. Practically every scene is foreplay for Nick and Phyllis. She trashes the mother of his child in the magazines against his wishes and he gets mad and they end up having sex. She tries to talk to him about her insecurities and then end up having sex. Nothing gets resolved and Phyllis continues to feel insecure because they deal with each other so much on a sexual level. I find so many of their scenes played with such little depth. I actually think Sharon Case has also benefited by being away from Nick but in the end Nick and Sharon are a better match as is Phyllis and Jack. I felt the scenes we have seen so far between Nick and Sharon have been a bit over the top, but I felt Phyllis often acted the same way with Nick. Both woman acted at times like they were so lucky they were with the football hero.

I have yet to see Michelle kicking anything. I hope she does step up because if has been too long since she was truly able to sink her teeth into something. Let's see who she plays opposite in her emotional scenes.

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Sexual chemistry is not enough to keep Nick and Phyllis interesting, they just suck in every other capacity. The Phick pairing has ruined Phyllis and Michelle Stafford's acting. It's a shame many only seem to want Nick and Phyllis together just because they hate Nick and Sharon. I find that many don't look at the Phick pairing objectively, some do, but a lot don't.

Michelle has her best scenes with Bergman and LeBlanc period, she and Morrow are not a dynamite acting force to watch.

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Precisely, she hasn't aged in over 14 years.

I don't do surgery, I handle the skin. That said, she's had upper and lower eyelids done and some work on her nose. Michelle used to have very prominent bags under her eyes and heavy upper eyelids which she had removed in the early 2000s. The nose has changed mildly, it's been refined, very nice work.

I didn't mean to get your back up. I enjoy Michelle Stafford's work a lot and think she's very nice looking woman. But she isn't a natural beauty. She's had a little tweaking which is fine, I'm the last person to be against that, especially when it's done so well.

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