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Y&R: Week of November 3, 2008

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I have to agree even though I love her. She has been very smart in the work she has had done. It's not obvious at all. As for her pairing with Josh. No, he is not an acting powerhouse. He can bring it sometimes when he needs to but he is not around because of his acting chops. He has gotten a lot out of this pairing with Michelle Stafford. Ms. Stafford, on the other hand, while not challenged as an actor, has gotten a very hot pairing out of it. I like my couples to be sexy and smart. I love Likey for that reason and really wish they would write for them more. It's like they don't even have a sex life. TB deserves an actual storyline. Now as far as Nick and Sharon, they could blow Phick to bits and I would still dread seeing Nick and Sharon cheese it up on my screen. But I do like Phyllis and her hot husband so I am willing to see if a new writer can give them some meat. Every show needs a sexy couple that can't keep their hands off each other. They work for me. I have seen depth added to them the last couple of months and I have high hopes that the Paris drama will give them more chances to go deeper as a couple.

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I disagree there. Not only because I find Lauren irritating and blame her for the destruction of Michael Baldwin, but also because Tracey has shown a tremendous lack of commitment to the show by refusing to even sign a contract. Frankly, she's lucky she gets the amount of screen time she does. (No offense to her or her fans.)


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I think my favorite thing about Michelle is that she is not Doll Pretty, she's attractive. Part of what makes her attractive is the screen presence, that a lot of "actors" lack, and a body that is TO DIET For. Her plastic surgeon must be fab because she doesn't look pulled and fake either.

Y&R fan, I'm LOL at your comment: "Tracey has shown a tremendous lack of commitment to the show by refusing to even sign a contract." Tracey has said in so many interviews that she loves the show and will always try and be available when they need her. She just doesn't want them to use her as Wallpaper to fulfill a contract dictated amount of screen time. I think she is used more than any other recurring character in daytime. Lauren has also not destroyed Micheal Baldwin. Gloria has damaged him considerably but with good writing, he can be back to his old shady grey character self.

Maybe Nick could be killed off. That would allow both fan bases to move on.

I'm a Phick fan but wouldn't mind if they broke them up. Unfortunately, having Nick and Sharon together is more boring than watching paint dry.

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Wow this thread is out of control...in a good way though!

I don't know if MS has had plastic surgery or not but either way the girl looks FIERCE!

And while I hate Sharon I still think Sharon Case is a drop dead gorgeous woman! In fact I think most of the women on Y&R are hot. I find Heather to be a little lacking though when compared to the other girls.

And I'm not even considering Eden.

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Michelle used to be a favorite. Now she is one of my least favorites on the show... And I have always felt that Joshua Morrow is very limited and in the bottom 20% of Y&R's talent pool. I have to admit that Michelle and Sharon Case being Scientologists gives me the creeps. Don't get me started on Scientology.

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I don't think anyone is watching Nick and Phyllis for the powerful acting scenes. :lol: I'm happy if they engage me a third of the time and steam it up during the rest. If Nick and Sharon can be a boring romantic couple then Nick and Phyllis can be the hot, sexy one.

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My problem with them is I need more than hot sex from a couple after they have been together for awhile. Maybe that is just a personal thing but the hot sex worked during the affair now it just feels like a joke. I just compare their conversations to a couple like Lauren and Michael and there is no comparison. I just don't get why they are together beside the sex and her getting pregnant and that can only last so long. As for Michael and Lauren, these writers work so hard on making these two sexy smart actors as sexless as possible and I don't get it. Jack Smith wrote them so fun and sexy and LML and now Marina has taken so much of that out of their relationship. They are so good with the family stuff and the communication and caring but they are in desperate need for a good sexy bed scene and a show where the focus is just on them as a couple and not always on everyone else's problems. Not to mention a storyline of their own without having to continually prop pther characters.

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