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Y&R: Week of November 3, 2008

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I hope it leads to Phyllis leaving Nick for good. Phyllis is/was too good of a character to be caught up in the Shick universe anyway. I can't tell you how much I hate her being apart of the Newman clan, she doesn't belong there.

I have to hand it to Y&R, they came prepared for sweeps this year, when other soaps aren't. The Paris stuff was well done too.

And the cliffhanger was superb!

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Sharon Case is way over the top in these Parisian scenes. Holy mother of god, take a chill pill and keep your head still. I am not thrilled about watching Sharon and Nick but I will enjoy the drama. I hope she dials it down a bit in the next few shows.

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No just the regular old one with Emelia and Thad.

What a good show for todays Canadian, I actually cried with Victor and Asheley, and I hate him. Any idea on how much they spent on this Paris remote? Noah and Hellspawn actually have sets built just for them, that can't come cheap.

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I can honestly say that I loved the entire show today for the first time in...good god I have no idea. Even Gloria and Jeffrey didn't bug the crap out of me like they usually do. I loved all the Paris stuff and I suppose

I would be acting exactly the way Sharon was today....correction, I'd probably be worse. :lol: I thought she was spot on in the characters excitement over visiting such a beautiful city. And of course I loved the scenes with Nicholas. They're so comfortable and easy together and I enjoy the simplicity of their scenes so much more than the always over the top stuff we get in Nick and Phyllis scenes. Not saying one is better than the other, just saying which one I prefer.

I'm looking forward to next week and all that is to come in Paris and the stuff unfolding as a result of the crash at the end of the show today. :)

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Great post. There are so many ways to go with the Lauren character because of her history and connection to so many characters. They seemed to be going the emotional affair route with Paul but dropped it suddenly last year. Can't say I minded because the way they had Paul being the only one to calm Lauren during a panic attack ran false since Michael had been dealing with her attacks for awhile. To tell you the truth I would hate a Paul/Lauren pairing because it would mean that eventually we would see very little of Tracey just like we see little of Doug Davidson's Paul. They even tried a reunion with Paul in 2003 just before they matched Michael and Lauren and it failed. They have nice chemistry, but as friends not lovers.

Still, I think Lauren and Michael do need to face some challenges and have some conflicts but the affair route is not the way to go for them because for four years we have seen them as completely devoted and solid and for one of them to all of a sudden stray when neither has been shown to have any romantic feelings for anyone else would not make sense. They are very different than Phyllis and Nick, Sharon and Jack or even Nikki and Victor who have always had former loves in the picture. I think they just need to rejuvinate them and add some spark and romance in their lives and rediscover each other instead of being bogged down in all these family issues. So give them some conflict and create some distance so that it could lead them back to who they used to be. They also need to get away from the constant Gloria propping.

As far as today, I love Jeanne Cooper as both Marge and Katherine. The scenes of Paris were good but the green screen scenes behind Nick and Sharon at the cafe were distracting. Sharon is acting a bit too giddy but Nick seemed to be very excited and happy to be spending time with Sharon also who he seems to find it easier to talk to. Nick seems to love both Phyllis and Sharon for different reasons which makes him a heel if he acts on it again but I have to admit Nick and Sharon sure do look purty together in France.

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I can't believe no one mentioned the wonderful assortment of music used in Friday's episode! I've heard some scores that I haven't heard in YEARS. The score that was used during Ashley's prayer scene just before she sees Victor was particularly stunning. Eileen was also very good in that scene.

Also, does the Abbott living room look a lot more more rich in texture than it used to be? It looked a hell of a lot bland under Latham and Griffith, it's been looking really rich and exuberant again. Giving over the technical producing to Paul Rauch was the best thing they could have done.

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I noticed something different about the Abbott mansion also and couldn't put my finger on it, but it definitely looked richer. Maybe they were shooting from different angles or changed some artwork, but it definitely had a richer feel.

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Anyone think Kevin is getting set up with his own story jutting off the Katherine umbrella story? We know others realize he moved Katherine's car, then the misinterpretation of him saying he wished she were gone at the Halloween party. Now we have Amber and Daniel talking about Kevin being seen with a large sum of money, arguing with Katherine, and hiding something under his coat. We know he didn't leave her purse with the $75,000 of cash at her home so will be in his possession. And on top of that he was driving in the rain the same night Katherine had her accident. I think this is a set up for Kevin to get in legal trouble.

It seems as if the so called Michael story with his father has now been turned into yet another Gloria story which will likely free up Michael to yet again be used as support as super lawyer for Victor who is being charged with murder, Kevin's legal trouble and he is still working on Lowell's case.

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I hope Kevin gets a storyline. Greg is very much underused. If they are going to kill of anyone, JT or Colleen could easily go.

Another one they could kill off would be Daniel. How interesting would it be if Sharon somehow ran him over.

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I would like to see the entire Baldwin clan ditched. Highly icky bunch. I am not fond of any of them.... And I agree Kevin is a non entity at this point... But the show is ROCKING. It is funny to me that I was a HUGE OLTL fan during the Rauch era, and I am once again becoming a huge Y&R fan. Even the simple return to classic Y&R musical themes and the TOP NOTCH production is worth tuning in for. MTS and Jeanne Cooper are giving performances as good, if not better than any they have given in the last 30 years. Its nice to see one soap be nearly as good as it was 20 years ago. I hope it lasts.

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