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Y&R: Week of August 04, 2008

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That's right. Ana's singing is not the problem. I have never dissed Jamia's singing or her talent -- EVER -- but I would like more story and not just a singing montage every time she's on. Meanwhile, the syrupy dialogue is what I have the biggest beef with and I will poke fun at it (as I did a few pages back) and question why the Winters (except for Lily) are often saddled with this kind of filler. Not for the unaccountably nasty reasons you have accused me of, but because the current set-up has so sugary and cutesy, it is giving me toothache.

And you know that TIIC consider those "May-December romances, chemistry challenged marriages of desperation or fights about a inane webzine" as patently NOT filler. These are viewed as Y&R's A stories. Unfortunately. Don't think I don't harp on those, too.

Anyway, whatever. DeeeDeee, you are a poster I enjoy reading and you've given me lots to think about regarding the Winters story. I'm not the hidden racist you seem to think I am, but I will be viewing Y&R and this SL a different way from now on.

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Which there usually is in addition to the singing.

Also Ana is the only kid her age on the canvas so she's limited in who she can interact with.

The writing for kids is the problem which was an issue long before she arrived.

Climb down off the cross.

It's not a good look on you.

TIIC may not consider them as filler but the viewing audience is another story. lol

No one ever accused you of being racist.

If you choose to take discussion about the influence of race on the writing or certain characters personally that's on you.

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Ana's constant singing bugs the crap out of me. Ana likes Karen a lot. How about showing us why? Use the time that Ana is singing and show Ana and Karen having a conversation and bonding so when Tyra makes her move on Neil, we understand why Ana takes Karen's side. We could also see Neil helping Ana with her homework, challenging her to do well in school and being a strong father figure for fatherless Ana. There are scenes that would help give the Winters a more family feel and when Ana did sing, many fans would appreciate it instead of rolling our eyes in annoyance.

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No. It's always the worst thing ever. It's bad when KDP does it on OLTL, it was bad when JT did it, it's bad now and it will still be bad when whomever the next character starts up with it. I don't watch soaps to hear people sing. I especially don't watch soaps to hear people sing when the actor gets it written into their contract that they get to promote whichever album they are trying to hawk. At least Ana was brought on for a singing story, which doesn't seem quite as obnoxious to me as when some actress tries to use her show to promote her singing career.

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OK, but we don't have to watch Daniel do his sketching (Crosses fingers). If all I had to do is listen to Ana talk about her singing career, that would be fine. Instead I have to hear her sing. Big difference.

Whomever mentioned Gwen on ATWT, I think that was the single worst instance of singers on a soap. My god, that went on and on forever. Her singing and singing career ate the show for months there was no hiding from it. It's a big part of the reason I'm glad JL is gone. At least Ana's singing is just a small part of the show and easy to FF.

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I am just watching it right now on SoapNet. I loved the little scuffle between Nick and Victor Jr. :D:D

Seriously, they brought back Phillip for this? For boring useless Lily Winters? :rolleyes: Send Phillip back to Austrialia and bring back Real Phillip. And while you are at throw Lily down a cliff.

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does anypone think that Chloe's DNA test will come back positive for Cane as the father because Billy Abbott (Can'e brother) is the father? does it seem that Chloe is going to be a total pyscho now? She's so deluded now.

How can Adam takeover Newman? There's still a corporate hierarchy and Neil is CEO and Victor is Chairman right? Unless Neil relinquishes his role (he bette rnot!) - Adam doesn't have a leg to stand on. I know it's a soap, but Y&R does corporate s/l's usually quite well.

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