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Y&R: Week of August 04, 2008

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Monday's episode is like an episode of yore...

Everything has been slowed down. Almost a 'pause in time', reflective episode. VERY little location movement, especially in the first half of the episode. Emotional music.

Conversations with meaning, there was something almost old-school about the feel of it. There wasn't the high drama of the past week, but it was still engaging. Thom Racina did well. Think back to his In The Zone interview and the 'writing structure picture' he painted, and it is working very well. Sheffer (we know he does them)/Kanelos/Hamner/Milstein have been nailing their breakdowns so far.

That final montage was VERY well done. The use of operatic music (the name of the song escapes me) was really nice. No words were needed, faces told the story. Sometimes, it is best to say nothing.

Nikki is going to have a tough time. Victor's words could very well dispell the 'Sticks and Stones' theory...

Nothing in the episode felt out of place. And KSJ got to show what he can do with meaningful material.

All we needed was an old-style fade-to-black with the name of the Executive Producer (even if the name of the EP does get some people's goat, lol)

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oh Monday was a fantastic episode. Victor really let into Nikki big time and I was kind of sad for Vicotr as he said goodbye to Sabrina. True, Sabrina and Victor were never really the "it" couple, but still. She was pregnant with his child, so he left off saying goodbye to two people- his unborn child and wife. Trust me, today was a fantastic episode. :)

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You know what I loved about Monday's episode, Jack/Victor. I don't want to go into detail, but I loved how they wrote it. Braeden was awesome especially in his monologue to Nikki. Oh, and I *loved* Karen, you'll see why lol. NP was great in that scene.

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Nia is a terrific actress, but they really didn't give her character a chance. I wish they'd do something with her. There seems to be a lot of confusion in that character. She's afraid to move somewhere in a relationship, she constantly backs away. Why not turn this into something? I would love it if she became jealous over Tyra and showed some strength. If she's here to stay, at least let her do something. Don't let her be scene filler for a few months.

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I actually like that. I'd love it if "comings and goings" and "story previews for the next week" or "next month" or "next quarter" would DISAPPEAR. Until they do, I will follow them relentlessly :-).

It may be LIKE PEEPLES, they are undecided. Peeples herself thought she was fired...and then they brought her back. So, I could see them "resting" the character, but keeping the actor on a leash (with $$) for a little while as they continue to plot new story.

That is actually a mark of a good regime. While they are planning, they keep their options open. A regime that PLANS at Y&R would be a much-welcomed addition.

On this note, Y&R has made TWO history gaffes lately. The obvious one is the vasectomy. But jaie at Usenet has reminded us THAT THERE IS NO STOCK FOR USERS TO BUY UP at Jabot. It's a very long story...but there has been no common stock floating out there. This is TOTAL INVENTION to give Gloria her next storyline. That writing team needs a GOOD history consultant PRONTO, or they're going to keep p*ssing off viewers.

I am going to quote jaie's original post from here:

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^Also, when Chloe suggested that Amber should get pregnant to keep Daniel, they failed to mention that Amber can't have children. Wouldn't Frantz remember something like that and tell someone about that or something? It would be weird if suddenly she was able to have children.

But, obviously, from Victor's vasectomy example, actors don't have much to say about it.

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I thought the same thing! But, Amber didn't say she COULD have children...she just sort of got out of that line of discussion.

They remembered Amber's addiction...so they better remember her infertility. Also, she has only one kidney (gave the other to Rick)...so she should not be drunk so much.

On that note...Kyle Lowder on B&B is shirtless a lot. I don't see a kidney scar. And he never mentions rejection problems or transplant issues to his aunt Katie, struggling with her new heart. Or to Felicia, struggling with her new liver.


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