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I believe there was some BTS stuff that went down at OLTL that saw Quinlan fired.

I remember Doris Belack left over ABCs refusal to give her a pay rise. It seemed odd that Kathy Glass also left as she seemed popular.

Anyway Glass was already at TD when Quinlan arrived. Only Belack and Pinkerton were Quinlan hires.Not sure about James Storm.

That remote was TD's first.

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I'm not sure which remote you're referring to, but I'm pretty sure Quinlan started adding remotes sometime in the summer of 1979. There was a remote involving a dying Sara Dancy Powers in a park. And then Steve and Carolee were seen walking to a helicopter during the tornado that ravaged Madison that fall.

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Just a heads up that not all of the videos on the free channel are working. I've been been looking around and some of them just lead me to a some type of error or they don't play. I hope this is not the beginning of the end of this platform and they don't desert them. 

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I found an old upload of the 1981 Christmas episode (not sure of the exact date) on a disc. I looked on Youtube and Dailymotion and didn't see it up anymore, so I decided to reupload it. If it is already up and I missed it - my apologies and I'll take it down.

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Sorry - I made a mistake with the first video. I'll post the fixed version.

Edited by DRW50
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Thanks for commenting. Hopefully more 81/82 is around beyond what we already know of.

I only remembered hours later how to combine clips, so if that was tough to watch in two videos I will try to put into one at some point.

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So what was Luke in the hospital for? 

I did find it cute and funny how everyone kept bringing in the same mini-tree to him to brighten up his X-Mas spirit. 

I am wondering how long Jason had been dead at this point too and how it'll be until Mona is killed off too. 

I wish there were more clips around this era that were available b/c I want to see more about Greta/Billy during this time. 

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The episode where Jason Aldrich is killed (May or June 1981) is available at the Paley Center. Mona's kidnapped by Catherine Shaw and Jason tries to save his mother only to be shot during the process. So a little over six months since he died. Mona dies in August 1982 during the plague storyline. 

The Christmas tree gag was used many years later on "Days of our Lives" when Gary Tomlin and Christopher Whitsell were writing. Kate Roberts and Jordan Ridgeway both brought Rafe Hernandez the same tree when he was in the hospital for some reason. 

It's a shame the final two years are mostly gone. 

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I agree - it was nice to see so many warm moments, especially knowing all the death to come in the show's final year.

After 5-6 years of Dancy focus I wonder how fans at the end felt with just Luke there. I wish more of his relationship with Ivie, if there was any, was available.

Thanks as always for the extra info.

Those two years sound fascinating, and I am always interesting in seeing strike related material on any soap and how much damage it did or didn't do (would any of you say TD was damaged by the strike?).

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