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Thanks, ABW, for the clarification about Pam's first marriage date. I must admit, I wasn't very impressed with MM as Liz Wilson, but it was just the one (extended) scene. I guess it supports my feeling that Pamela Toll really was quite a good actress and had quite the handle on her role. I think that Liz has matured somewhat since the episodes first began airing on Retro TV and there's a more adult way about Liz since the kidnapping. Admittedly, they don't really have much for Liz to do right now except be a supporting character, but she did that well, too. I'll be sad when she's written out in early 1970 as we know she and the character will never return to Hope Memorial or (the eventually-named) Madison ever again.

Edited by DanMan869
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Am I correct in assuming that Penny Davis' trip to California to stay with father, Dave Davis, will wind up being a one-way jaunt (for now)? Are we in the last days of Jami Fields' time on the show or is this just a plot point/device? Also, do we know when LH left the show and when VV took over?

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I don't know, because other cast lists I read had her listed as still part of the cast in 1970, and some other sources had her staying until 1971 (Julia Duffy took over as the slightly aged Penny in 1973). I'll try to find out for sure and let you know if I hear anything.

As for Pam Toll, she married at least twice more and is today the mother of four grown children (and is probably a grandmother by now). She has two daughters from her second marriage and twin sons from her third. One of her sons, Daniel DeVault, is very active in theatre in Tennessee.

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I hope she stayed because I think this version of Penny still has plenty of story left to play. I wonder if they continued to force her to wear the same wig the entire time she was on the show? It's like Penny's hair never grows! Considering that Laryssa Lauret allegedly wore the same short, dark wig for each of her times on the show, I can't imagine the producers were too concerned with keeping Penny's "blonde hair" in contemporary cuts or styles. I'm sure by the time Julia ("Newhart") Duffy took over the slightly SORAS'd role in '73, she wore her own hair--assumedly long, straight, and some shade of blonde?

Amy, have you or has anyone been in touch with Pam Toll about the show re-airing? Would love to hear her feelings about the time on the show! I did read an article through this site about her life in Tennessee and her actor son, Daniel. Very interesting!

I wish the living cast (of the stories we've been watching from 1967-1969--and beyond) knew how much we all love the show in these reruns. I was warmed by Sally Gracie's recent, touching scenes with Nick where Martha gave us some of her backstory where she had to watch her husband slowly die/not improve and how, for once, Nick clearly felt like someone--Martha, if all people--finally understood how he felt. I love the tempestuous relationship between Nick and Martha, but I wish we could see Nick appreciating and respecting her more often so we'd know for certain his bark with Martha wasn't anywhere near as bad as HIS* bite! Martha Allen ROCKED!

Edited by DanMan869
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Dan, I've tried getting into contact with Pam to no avail. I still hope she'll respond but I am not holding my breath.

I totally agree with you about Martha. Sally Gracie was all too often relegated to comic relief so it was GREAT to see her get a scene that she could really sink her teeth into. I think the last time we saw her give such a serious monologue was when she was trying to comfort Ed Stark, who had yet to reveal his "disappearing acts" (i.e. helping Anna).

About a month ago, I emailed Carolee Campbell and asked who her best friends amongst the TD cast were other than David O'Brien. She responded that she was close to Jim Pritchett and his family, and absolutely adored Sally Gracie. I found out that Sally's only child, Tim Kebbe, is now an attorney with his own firm located in NY. I emailed him (and passed him along Carolee's email) and this was his response:

"Dear Monika,

Thanks for you kind note and the forwarded message from Carolee Campbell.

Like Carolee, your messages bring me to and through memory’s gateway.

Carolee was a great friend of my mother and father, as was her husband Hector Elizondo. She also stands out as a respected and fun part of my childhood. I have seen some older - that is, from the 1950’s - clips of my mother on YouTube. I am not familiar with the Retro Television channel, but will take a look.

In a way, I grew up with The Doctors and its cast. I finished my adolescence with One Life to Live, another day-time drama, and its cast. I had a happy childhood and adolescence. My mother, I discovered, was more or less the same at home as she was on television, on stage or in movies. So the delightful person you have encountered on Retro TV is the same one who raised me.

I appreciate your note. I think that Sally would be pleased that television aficionados still enjoy her work.

Take care.


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Yes!! It makes it all the more a pleasure watching Sally play Martha knowing that she was just as nice off-screen.

One of the things about the show I love is how different all the characters are - a bunch of people from all different walks of life who come together because they are "dedicated to the brotherhood of healing". It's pretty much like any office environment when you look at it that way. Some co-workers drive you batty, some become your friends for life, and it may be both in some cases.

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Thank you so much!! I did indeed hear from Maureen Mooney today, now Maureen Mooney Pellegrini. Here's what she had to say:

"Hello Monika,

Thank you so much for this, what a surprise. I just did a commercial last Nov. I can send that to you to view if you would like. It's fun. I am just getting back into the business so I will keep you posted! I need to do a web page but I am very untechnical. Well thank you again.

Maureen Mooney Pellegrini"

That was so sweet. I was very touched!!

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In Jan 1964 Lydia Bruce and hubby Leon B Stevens were on stage in 'The Seven Year Itch' at the Community Playhouse at the Atlanta Women's Center, along with Susan Trustman (shortly to be Pat on AW),Bert Parks and Joel Fabiani,who later would also appear on TD

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One of my biggest soap regrets is falling so far behind on this. I just gave up and decided to start from whatever aired this past Friday. We're currently nearing the end of June 1969, correct?

Just scrolling through the year of episodes I missed is making me hit myself because it looks like a lot of great things happened.

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